View Full Version : Really "strange" feeling in my head-!

15-06-10, 17:02
Hi everyone here at NMP--
I just returned from a 3 day visit to the wonderful Mayo Clinic...in Rochester Minn--! (this past Friday)-
It was really great! All it is hyped up to be--! Terrific caring Drs...nurse.....assts...& greeters!
I was there for a neurology check....as I have "Cramp/Fasciculation Syndrome"--! All my tests were "normal"....including a large number of blood studies (they musta taken 6 vials of blood---! Went out after and had a steak!) Since I had the flu...past Nov---been getting..lots of muscle fasciculations...myoclonus..cramping---etc)--

My neuros in my home city...(Phila)---assured me...after a few studies...it was nothing serious! (I had an..EMG....2 MRIs...one of brain...& cervical spine...thyroid tests...EEG...all normal)---

At Mayo--they were even more thorough---another...more specific EMG...a CT scan....& the "blood studies"...I mentioned! Checked for auto immune disorders)----Again...all "OK"...my Dx...."Cramp/Fasic syndrome"--

BUT...........in the last....about 4 weeks...been getting this strange feeling in my head! It's like.....a 1...or 2 second feeling...that I'm gonna fall over--! This is NOT...like what i get...when I have my "benign positional vertigo"....(which is vestibular....from middle ear---results in severe vertigo--for hours...but ---I KNOW..that is nothing...& I take Antivert...& I'm OK)--------My only thought is ...this COULD be..the "residual"...of ...the strange..."Brain zaps"...I used to get--BUT---they have gone away---only to be replaced...by these! (Any connection)?

This "thing".....happens...any time--lasts only a second or two---but SCARES the hell outta me!:scared15:----My neuros do NOT seemed concerned over it! Sooo.what am I to DO? (Go to my...E/N/T...? Or my cardiologist?)---My neuro issue seem to be resolving...slowly!

Anyone else here--have anything...like this? I'm hoping someone...or more..gets back----! I should add.....for the last month or so.....I get this "muscle soreness"....on my right rib cage...& it often migrates to my back muscles! The neuro at Mayo---did a CT scan....of that area....& there's no problem w any "organs"--! (I feel..it is muscular!---could ALL of these things....be part of say...."Fibromyalgia"?---does Fibro present with strange "head" sensations? I know....it causes muscle pain! Do I see a Rheumatologist....for this? OK---get back...re: this strange feeling...in my head! Thanks--Christian

15-06-10, 18:32
I had someting like this before and now its come back again! Its sorta like jolts of lightheaded/dizzy kinda feeling. Bit walking around, I do feel a vague sense of being off balance...If I move my head quickly or even my eyes, it can trigger the sensation. I do have chronic fatigue syndrome AND pretty bad acid reflux/hitaus hernia(waiting for confrimation of suspected hernia) so maybe its one of these things?

Ive had a brain MRI which was normal. and seen a cardiologist/wore a holter monitor/6 ECG's etc...So my docs are sure the cause is not cardiac/neurological...baffles me too...I take citalopram/lansoprazole...But when this feeling first came on I was on neither....so annoying and frustrating.....

Im thinking maybe its ear related?