View Full Version : Is anybody on Playstation Home or...

15-06-10, 17:09
I was thinking we could have a get together on there or something?
This probably isn't the right place to put this.
Does anybody do any kind of art work? Music? Anybody have anything paticular they'd like to share?
I was thinking instead of all the negative things we talk about we could discuss our positive things like talents and things we like.

15-06-10, 18:25
I have an online gallery. http://vixxybo.deviantart.com/
I find art really helps my anxiety. Its a good distraction.
Other than that I have an xbox, but dont have gold membership. So no gaming there :D
I also love cooking, but since my anxiety has zapped my appetite Ive done hardly any :( Need to get my fingers dirty again, even if i dont eat it :D
What about you?

15-06-10, 19:08
I also love cooking! Haven't done it in a while either because of the whole anxiety thing, I find myself losing interest in doing things half way through, I'm not sure if this is because of the anxiety or whether I'm just bored of the things I used to like, inside I still want to do them though it's weird.
I'll put links up later to some art work I've done and stuff, checking yours out now! x

15-06-10, 19:09
Is it me or is that Final Fantasy in your gallery? :)
I'm obsesseddddd.

15-06-10, 19:14
I'm on Home occasionally. Never really enjoyed it - guys just kept hitting on me! haha. I play Xbox a lot. I also do photography http://mubblegum.com

15-06-10, 19:55
I'm a music producer/songwriter/singer/rapper. Different caps for different moods over the years I guess.. Loving the links above..
Have a listen at http://soundcloud.com/razorrawks
All the best

15-06-10, 20:10
Yes Ive got a Final Fantasy XI account. Do you play that?