View Full Version : Breathing problem

15-06-10, 19:00

I hope someone can say that they get this with anxiety?

I feel like I can't breath properly? When I talk to people I feel like I have to gasp to breathe? I also feel like how ever deep I breathe it isn't enough?

I have seen the doctor and she listened to my heart but said it was anxiety. I asked for lung tests but she said no and that the problem was anxiety?

It feels so suffocating and I get so bothered by it? When I talk it is like I must breath or I'll die. I am constantly checking my breathing and always seem breathless.

Worried sick I have got Lung Cancer too?

Help does anyone else get this?


15-06-10, 19:15
Common anxiety problem. I will be talking and feel like my breathing is gasping for air in between words. I hold my breath a lot, and then I get shallow breathing which isn't deep and rythmnic, but choppy. A dr. can hear a lot about your lungsl with a stethoscope.
I mentioned in another post to try.. rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth, breathe in through your nose, relax your tongue and exhale through your mouth. Try to rest your tongue, concentrate on the gentle feeling of it there. Try not to press your tongue tightly as that is tension. Think about how amazing your tongue is for you. It helps you swallow food, gives you taste. Think about your favorite taste..sweet, salty, and then think about your favorite food in that category.

15-06-10, 19:20
This is called hyperventilation. The main symptom of anxiety. Google it, its nothing to worry about. It may feel like ur not getting enough air in, but infact u ARE, its actually the complete opposite, ur getting too MUCH oxygen into ur lungs, all this is caused from ur adrenalin levels when ur anxious. Having too much oxygen in ur blood causes other common anxiety symptoms like tingling and numbness in hands, feet and face.. chest pains and the shakes. All this is nothing to worry about. U r suffering from very clear anxiety, medication and CBT will help you with this. Good luck x

15-06-10, 19:21
Thank you for your reply.

I am sooooooo fed up with this. I notice I shallow breath when this is happening so try to take deeper breaths. The more i think about it the worse it gets!! I hate it when I am talking as I think everyone will think I am unable to breath etc.

The doctor has listened to my chest heart etc on numerous occasions and says all is fine. I try and relax and then boom off it goes again!!

15-06-10, 19:23
I don't have full blown panic attacks and it can happen all day everyday???

15-06-10, 19:47
I think I will come live with you crazyhayz, and learn from you to get better.:)

15-06-10, 20:41
Stacy 1912, I GET THIS A LOT!!!

Especially when i am trying to get to sleep at night, so i almost dont have anything else to be thinking about. It feels like im not getting enough oxygen, although im not hyperventilating. I dont have THAT many panc attacks, but experience it often. You are not alone

15-06-10, 23:45
CBT will teach you breathing techniques which will help with your hyperventilation. Speak to your doctor about it. If ur gp's checked u over and says ur fine, then u are fine. The over-breathing goes in line with ur adrenalin levels, and the less anxious/stressed you are, the less it will happen. Unfortunately, we dont always know why its happening, thats because our subconcious minds plays tricks on us.. But i had hyperventilation disorder when i had my nervous breakdown, and i know how scary it can be, but trust me, ur NOT dying, ur NOT guna faint or pass out or anything, theres nothing wrong with you, its just adrenalin levels, i used to yawn alot with mine, do u get that?? Its a nuisance, but trust me hun, u will get over this, it just takes time. xx

heather xx
15-06-10, 23:45
I have had this a few times since new year when my anxitey had become alot worst. I do think its all down to this blasted anxitey!!!

15-06-10, 23:52
Oh and most people dont realise they are hypeventilating when they actually are. I was in hospital and the oxygen monitor was beeping out loud every 30 seconds coz my oxygen levels were WAY to high in my bloodstream (due to over-breathing) . I couldnt understand it because i felt fine with my breathing, i thought hyperventilating was shallow quick breaths, but its not like that for most people. Mine was never like that. Mine was big breaths which were slow but too DEEP...it honestly felt like i was breathing completely normally, but the monitor was screaming at me and i could clearly see the lines going down on the monitor after they gave me some diazepam to calm me down. People have a distorted view on hyperventilation, but infact, its actually one the biggest reason why we get so many different weird symptoms all over our bodies... because the over-breathing is giving us too much oxygen in our blood, and the adrenalin levels are racing around like crazy! Hope this clears it up abit better 4u xxx

16-06-10, 10:40
thank you all so much for your replies and support. I am due to see the hospital psychologist next week so I am hopefully going to start a program of treatment soon. My doctor won't do any tests as she says I am 100% fine and having a chest x ray is not a good thing to do unless necessary. I just wish I could feel like I am getting a good lung full and I am not so out of breath. It just does not feel like it is my mind and my lungs are not functioning properly. Anxiety is a complete bugger and I wish I could just stop fretting.

It moves from one horrendous ailment to another :shrug:

Thanks again I will try and think this is anxiety nothing more.