View Full Version : Personality Types

16-06-10, 03:41
Just curious if anyone knows their personality type or has any interest in finding it out. My psychiatrist recommended me to take it and it has helped me to better understand myself and temperament, as well as how I interact with others. I certainly do not apply this 5 digit code as the end all be all to my everything, but it has helped me to better understand myself which has been difficult while having GAD! Would love to hear any comments/feedback! Also I am an INFJ which is the rarest type, so not only does GAD make me feel like I am from another planet, but my personality does too :doh:

Here is the link to the test and hope it can be of some use:

Also, if there are any INFJ's out there, would love to hear a shout out from you!

16-06-10, 10:39
Oh wow, hey Mya, I'm an INFJ lol. Ooooo, we're special :)

16-06-10, 11:02
ISFJ anyone? Seems I should be working in a caring profession when I most definitely don't lol

Actually, "They need to remember to not be overly critical of themselves, and to give themselves some of the warmth and love which they freely dispense to others," is something I really should bear in mind.

16-06-10, 11:09
I'm a ENFP,ExtravertedIntuitiveFeelingPerceiving, mostly intuitive and perceiving. Some of it sounds true, but a lot isnt, I'm only extraverted in my dress, but inside I'm very introvent and I dont have a large group of friends, I dont actually have any! But I'm rare as well, 2-3% of the population.

This is definatly a bit of fun rather than an absolute, although I must admit I would quite like to be like it!

16-06-10, 11:18
Jane I'm ISFJ too! Introverted Sensing Feeling & Judging lol. I don't know if the description really sounds like me though!

EDIT: I don't even know what introverted means to be honest :D

16-06-10, 11:23
I'm not so sure about this :D Haha

My results are....

Introverted 56
Intuitive 12
Feeling 25
Judging 22

I'm not sure that really sounds like me, though the introvert part is probably correct haha


16-06-10, 13:20
Well it says my personality is INFP it was quite interesting as some of it was very accurate i especially liked this bit as it is so true of me......*As an INFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them*

16-06-10, 15:50
I'm an ENFJ - Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.

Definitely sounds like me. :)

16-06-10, 19:38
Wow this is really interesting -

I am an ISFJ as wel - it interesting how many of us are! My highest score was for introverted, am not sure how true that is, to be the highest percentage anyway!

this pretty much hits the nail on the head how I feel about work...

"they are notoriously bad at delegating ("If you want it done right, do it yourself"). And although they're hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments because they feel that although they deserve more credit than they're getting, it's somehow wrong to want any sort of reward for doing work (which is supposed to be a virtue in itself)."

god post and nice to be positive about what we can learn about our personality traits :)


16-06-10, 19:40
not quite as many as i though haha

16-06-10, 20:03
I am happy to hear you guys got some enjoyment from this! Although I don't set it in stone it does give us a little insight into our personality and career guidance. I find it interesting that most of us are introverts, however sometimes I flip around I think, but I am extroverted only with the very very few close relationships I have. However, notice we are all "Feelers!" I wonder if that, in combination with the high probability of being Highly Sensitive people is why we are so anxious. Either way, I think we all need to embrace our anxiety and remember we are special people that once we find our place in this not so sensitive world, we can be whatever we want to be!

16-06-10, 20:10
Oh and Wolfies, so glad there is another INFJ out there! We are special and even though being an INFJ has been rough for me, I think if we can work our hidden talents, we can really make an impact on the things most important in our life! Mother Theresa and Jesus were both INFJ's and they have made a very significant impact! :D

05-07-10, 17:57
INFJ! yey yey yey! In the past have done this and been ISFJ, so must hover between the N and S.

05-07-10, 19:20
Your Type is
ISTJIntrovertedSensingThinkingJudging Strength of the preferences % 111122

05-07-10, 20:57
INFJ - interesting, more confirmation that I'm definately in the wrong career! I should be a writer, teacher, or counsellor. :)

05-07-10, 21:14
Blimey, there's a lot of INFJs here :). Interesting!

05-07-10, 22:03
There are a lot of INFJ's. Of course I have made the mistake of reading up about it and am now fixated on all the negatives associated with this personality. I am now at the point that I wish Martians exist so they can take me away to Mars :blush:

Kipepeo Girl
05-07-10, 23:23
I'm an INTJ. I've done this before on a different site and I was either an INSJ or INFJ.

06-07-10, 00:45
sheeeeit, mines spot on!
another infj here

06-07-10, 00:49
infj is the rarest type too at %1,
seems to show up a lot here , whats that tell us