View Full Version : fibromyalgia question

16-06-10, 10:05
For past 20 years I have had chronic daily pain almost anywhere in my body - I do have a spine problems as in herniated discs in neck and lumbar areas and this seems to have caused a bit of confusion.

I have about 3 times been tested for fibro with the trigger point test and every time I don't have quite enough sore trigger points to be officially diagnosed with it like maybe 2 short!

I just read a post from someone with fibro answering davey that fibro gives you pain all over without any idenfiable source and this struck me as exactly what I have. I know that certain pains are coming from my spine damage but am not convinced that the pains I get almost anywhere daily are all from my spine but cannot prove otherwise.

I just wondered if anyone with fibro can relate to following symptoms

any exercise or change in general day to day activity seems to injure myself and will get pain 24-48 hrs later that last a day or two.
Example is if I read a book for too long then next day I have awful pain in hands - if I clean a kitchen cupboard and reach up next day I will have awful pain in shoulders and chest etc etc.

I get very tender patches of skin like sunburn with shooting nerve pains anywhere on body literally had them all over my body even eyelids! that last 24 hrs then go completely - kept being told it could be shingles but never appeared.

I feel dreadful in the morning - compeltely stiff body and woozy headed - afternoon and evening feel huge amount better but dread the mornings.

I'll stop there:D. I know there is nothing medical prof can do about fibro and without the required number of trigger points it cannot be officially diagnosed but I am wondering!

16-06-10, 10:07
Forgot to add that I have had brain mri's to rule out any neuro disease like MS and blood tests for autoimmune again fine.

16-06-10, 10:23
My mrs has it. What has helped her is muscular injections of the Myers Cocktail but it is expensive and not given on the NHS surprise, suprise. You can only get these from a private clinic

16-06-10, 14:50

Sounds much like my fibro. I'm like you, I don't have all of the pressure points at the point of pain where they diagnose fibromyalgia, but my specialist said that just because it isn't at that severe point doesn't mean that it isn't fibro, it just means my pressure points may not be the most affect areas.

I'm prettymuch constantly exhausted and achey. If I sit a certain way too long or put pressure on my arm too long or something even that simple it starts to ache. When I have a really really bad time just lying in bed hurts because it feels so hard beneath me, even though it really isn't. Any exercise exhausts me, even walking up the stairs. I always have really horrible head sensations too, especially a pressure like feeling in my head and tension.

So even though they are saying it can't be diagnosed because you are two points short on the trigger scale you probably do still fit into the fibro category. It's silly that you have to hurt in specific places to get a diagnosis.

16-06-10, 15:33
Hello, it does sound like Fibro to me as well. Have you been tested for Lyme and Lupus, both of those can mimic Fibro, they usualy rule out all of these first and then when there is nothing left the say you have fibro.
Are you having joint pain, fingers, knees ect..?? There are so many different symptoms with fibro, that no one has all the same symptoms.
I hope you start to feel better


16-06-10, 16:34
And to me, I never developed the trigger points for two years but there is something called myofascial pain that exists often with fibro. It can give you the pain in multiple places. This book has been a real understanding for me: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofscial Pain A survival manual, Big book comprehensive and only £7 off Amazon. Fibro is a hard thing to live with. Big gentle hug