View Full Version : No motivation...

16-06-10, 12:22
Just lately ive been feeling ill a lot.....
About a week or two ago i had a viral infection but it made me feel really bad i was getting awful headaches everytime i stood up i felt really light headed and i lost my appetite a bit aswell
that lasted for about a week and i spent a lot of the time in bed....until i went doctors and then about 1 or 2 days after id been doctors i started to feel better
Id had a lot of time off college aswell because i had a week off for half term and then when I was due to go back i got a viral infection
So then I was due to go back this monday just gone and i was kind of excited about it and glad to be getting out
So I went to college on monday and life was getting back to normal and stuff
Then about 10 oclock at college i got really bad toothache so i had to go home
i was crying in loads of pain and i had to go dentist
and ive not been back college since monday
I have no motivation to do anything its just like i want to sleep all the time i always feel like ive got no energy and never want to do anything
I should be going college i need to go college to get work done
but even there i find i cant motivate myself and its really not helping because i finish on friday and i have a lot of work to get in but i just cant get myself up and out its likes its impossible
sometimes it really gets to me and im in bed most of the day and i just feel crap
i do like going out and seeing people and being out until like 6pm at night like i used to but whenever i am out now, i just want to go home and go bed.... Im always thinking of home
I just seem to stay in pjs all day dont do my hair or put any make up on just lay all day and it makes me feel awful i just cant get up and do anything about it...
I cant help feeling like this i was just wondering if anybody else did?
Sorry this is a bit long winded....
Thanks for reading xx

16-06-10, 13:01
You sound just like me!
I'm always wishing I could be out, when I'm out I'm always wishing I could be in.
My life goes like this:
Wake up in the morning, stay in bed for hours, go for a walk because I start feeling anxious, come back get back into bed and then go for another walk later before going to bed!
I feel hopeless.
I really need a job too but I worry about the interview, do I even want a job?
I'll sit there and think I'd much rather be in bed doing nothing.
I miss the times I used to actually want to be out all the time rather than being in.

16-06-10, 13:06
Hi Metoyou,

Yes me too! I've been like this a few years now. I have noone in my life to bale me out and my kids have left home now so no incentive there to do anything either. I've just started Mirtazapine in the hope I might come out of myself. It's not that I'm shy, not at all, just can't be bothered and it's too much effort.Think it might be the depression. Are you on any meds?


16-06-10, 13:06
Yeaaah I need a job aswell!
I just need to get out well i feel like that now but then when i do get out im out for like an hour or so and i want to be back at home again and then when i am i wish id of stayed out longer!
Its just so annoying
I just dont know what I can do about it .... x

16-06-10, 13:08
Hi bubblebonce
No I dont take any medication
Ive had bereavement councelling before because my Grandma died in 2008 and ive also had normal councelling because i was going through a difficult time with a boyfriend..
When i went to the doctors the other day she gave me another number for another councellor Open Doors its called she told me to give them a ring she thinks I would benefit but i havent rang them yet im still thinking about it ...
I dont know what to do ... x

16-06-10, 13:38
What is there to think about? You know it's not right you being like this. Seems like you want things to change but you're scared of it? Nothing will change of you don't reach out believe me I know. I'm waiting for a referral with the local mental health team and I will do it and I will try my hardest at whatever they suggest. I've been like this too long.


16-06-10, 13:40
Yeah I suppose your right
Ill give them a ring tomorrow
I hope all goes well for you :)
Thank you x