View Full Version : Hot flushes

16-06-10, 14:02
For quite a few years I have been getting a feeling of extreme heat like I glow but not pouring with sweat about 5 mins before a bowel movement and I also feel light headed and dizzy as well. The severity of it varies enormously and I generally only get in the mornings as that is when I have up to 3-4 bm's ( normal )

I have mentioned this to two GPs so far once about 2 yrs ago and again 6 months ago because I had read about carcinoid syndrome which can cause flushing and explosive diarrhea and both Doctors smiled and shook their heads at my health anxiety and told me I would have much more symptoms and all the tests etc I have had over last few years soemthing would have showed up and its just my hyper sensitive nervous system.

I am finding that it is really worrying me as I hate going out in the mornings because I know I will feel yukky because I will need to have a bm- I am fine from lunctime onwards.

I know that there is a blood test for carcinoid syndrome but I think its only available through a hospital consultant.

I am going back to GP ( different and sympathetic to HA) next week and being honest about my worries and am hoping that he can convince me wihtout having to have yet more tests as I just stagger from one lot of tests to another, but just wondered if anyone else feels hot and dizzy before bowel movements???

16-06-10, 16:38
I think if you have fibro symptoms that this is all related I have woke up with flushing in my chest before, get that book hun well worth it xx

17-06-10, 11:51
Hii Countrygirl, I am so relieved to read your post and to know someone else gets hot and dizzy when needing the loo, also sometimes I go dizzy when passing a motion. I just don't feel right unless I "have been". I have had colonoscopies so know there is nothing wrong, I just think it is part of my anxious make up. Please don't stress yourself over this, I think it is just the way we are. Hope this helps:hugs:

19-06-10, 19:05
DDcoo thank you so much for replying- it feels so much better to know that I am not only one feeling like this.

29-03-20, 20:41
Hello Contrygirl
I wanted to private message you to ask you a question but I don't know how yo do it, if you see this can you pm me please. It's re the subject of this post. Thanks

30-03-20, 15:11
I have had this! I went through a period of about 4 months of it happening every day to the point I had to lay on the floor for ages after. I was so hot and dizzy I couldn’t get up! I went to my gp and they did lots of bloods and tested my heart but nothing came up!

01-06-20, 10:49
Hey I don’t have this hot flush symptom while having a BM but I’ve been experiencing extreme hot feeling in face since end of feb to now but since yesterday it’s been worse I’ve had a very hot face and ears nothing it helping and it just won’t go I’ve made my own post you can find it by searching carcinoid if you or anyone else could have a read and reply I’d be forever great full x