View Full Version : is this a panic attack??

16-06-10, 15:10
Hi All,

i am suffering from anixety and was wondering if i am having panic attacks or not? when most of you speak about panic attacks its all mostly heart palbultaions or finding it hard to breath.

i start by feeling very edgey and not myself and start having to look around to see if people are noticing me acting edgey. I then start getting very nervous and as silly as it sounds my jaw starts sticking out like i have lost all control of it. This then makes me very upset to the point where i feel i have to get out of the area or situation i am in at the time.. so people dont see me . depending on how bad i felt at the time my jaw can stay like this for up to a week

Is this a panic attack? if so any advise? thank you xx

16-06-10, 15:34
i wouldn't call that a panic attack but it does sound like anxiety.

16-06-10, 15:40
i think you should see the doctor you may have a problem with your jaw ,best to make sure