View Full Version : New in the forum, worried about lump/cyst.

16-06-10, 18:23
Hello everyone this looks like an amazing forum I want to congratulate everyone for having such a nice community with a great goal.

Now I've always been very nervous about my health ever since I was a child, I have a lot of problems that are always troubling my mind and Dr.Google is always making things worse :(.

Right now I'm really worries since I found a new "cyst" on my right scrotum. I've had a small half grain of rice sized cyst since I was 16 im now 23 and now I have another one just like it a little bit below. It's not attached to the testicle nor to the epydimis it's just were the scortal sac begins and the leg ends but inside the skin on the scrotum has to be relaxed in order to feel it.

It feels like a grain of rice very very hard to the touch and sometimes after manipulating it it makes the zone tender, sometimes it hurts a lot. My Dr. said last time it was a hydatid of morgagni (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&&sa=X&ei=agcZTK_iJsH7lwfYzeXfCw&ved=0CB4QBSgA&q=hydatid+of+morgagni&spell=1) and that put my mind at ease but now that I jsut discovered a new one yesterday im anxious since you can only have one of those per testicle.

Should I be really concerned? Should I give it some more time and see if it grows or something? I just had an eye test done and im really low on cash besides I got no health insurance and im getting married soon so the expenses are really high and I really got to try and not waste money on doctors :(.

Thanks all in advance sorry if it was a long post.

PS: I also suffer from varicocele on both testicles but that's a completely different story, just in case that was helpfull.

16-06-10, 21:43
Hiya :) Didn't want to read and run!

I know you say your sort on cash but i think the only way your going to get reassurance is if a doctor sees it! xx :hugs:

Good luck on the wedding

16-06-10, 23:09
Hiya :) Didn't want to read and run!

I know you say your sort on cash but i think the only way your going to get reassurance is if a doctor sees it! xx :hugs:

Good luck on the wedding

Hey thanks for the answer my hope is that its the same thing i went to the doctor for some years ago and that it does nothing to my health. Anyway in gonna be monitoring it to see if it gets bigger or not and start to save for all the cash it might take :(

Thanks for everything :-).

17-06-10, 09:47
Hi, a male friend of mine went to doc yesterday as he found a lump. Doc said its a cyst as its not connected to the testicle . Trust the doctor. you'll be fine. :)

17-06-10, 17:05
Hi, a male friend of mine went to doc yesterday as he found a lump. Doc said its a cyst as its not connected to the testicle . Trust the doctor. you'll be fine. :)

Thanks for the reassurance! I need it since it'll probably be a while until I can get my appointment :S