View Full Version : Fibro? Blood tests? Now I am worried again..

16-06-10, 21:40
I will try and be short.. I was doing well with my diverticulosis. But I started getting really achy joints and muscle points. Ribs, between the ribs, bottom of the ribs mostly in the back and on the sides, primarily left, but both sides, front and back.

My Doc mentioned my IBS, and tested by hand for the Fibro. I was not aware of it so much, but I scored more than enough. I have lots of tenderness and joint tenderness.

She explained a bit about it, but said that there would be needed some blood tests to eliminate other things... So now I am doing blood work.. One sample actually had to go to the Mayo clinic, and takes a WEEK to get back!!

all this for some Joint and Rib pain?? I feel (felt) fine other that that.. I think she saw my face, and said "oh don't worry, I don't think that it is anything grave"..

What does that mean... What could they be testing for? Why 5 vials of blood, and why do we have to send one halfway across the continent to test for something when we have a major medical center here?

Now I have to wait for a week..??? :unsure:

16-06-10, 21:45
I think its good your doctor is ruling stuff out! :)

Im sure it will be fine! xx

16-06-10, 22:05
Yes, it is good I guess. I just should have asked what all they are testing me for? I normally don't, because I hate to worry and usually it is nothing. But now I am worried just the same.

But you are right, I need to look at the glass 1/2 full, and not 1/2 empty I guess. I just wish I knew more sometimes.

16-06-10, 22:41
During a short review, I found that the Mayo clinic, where it is going specializes in Lyme's disease testing... That may be good thing..

What else could they be testing for..?

18-06-10, 06:42
I'm pretty sure your doctor is just being cautious, which is great. They are probably just testing for general viruses that may cause the aches and pains. Like general flu viruses, glandular fever, etc.

Lyme disease can cause some similar symptoms to fibro so that's probably why she's sent the bloods to mayo clinic, because Lyme sometimes needs quite sensitive testing to be detected.

It is most likely that you do have fibro. I do and it's not as bad as many others have it so I'm very grateful for that, you may be the same. I think certain blood tests are just procedure when diagnosing fibro because there isn't really much to go by on terms of diagnosis. They must first eliminate other possible causes of muscle and joint pain before they give a diagnosis, just procedure.

You should be really happy that your doctor is testing so thoroughly. :)

18-06-10, 06:52
You know, deep down I think I know that. I have calmed down a bit since yesterday, and have been reading others posts on here with similar issues.

I go for months with little or nothing for anxiety, and then wham, out of the blue I get all freaked out. I know that most of the tests were back today, just the one left that takes a week. I guess that if they would have found something they would have called by now.

If it wasn't for sweet people like you, and this board, my life (many lives in fact) would be much worse off. Thanks for your reassurance AMiee.

sarah jayne
18-06-10, 09:58
I went through the same before being diagnosed with fibro. They chesked my vit d, thyroids, hormones and i cant remember the others. They have got to do it to rule everything else out becuse there is no other test for fibro except pressing on you pressure points x

21-06-10, 21:05
I didn't think of all of those things, until you said them.. I get one thing stuck in my mind, and I get tunnel vision. It does make more sense that they would take so many tubes of blood then.

Still waiting for any kind of results though.

No news, is good news?


22-06-10, 21:57
Well, all the blood work is back, and all is well with that. She said they tested for just about everything, that is why they took so much blood. No inflammatory, no Rheumatoid Arthritis, no metabolic or diabetic issues. She rattled off a bunch more, but I couldn't write that fast and missed them. But no other issues anyway. She wants me to study the Fibro site, at the mayoclinic.com. She even said, don't go anywhere else and get a bunch of misinformation, cause she knows that I am sensitive to that. No Googleing rib cage pain.. lol.. I am supposed to make a list and see what is the same as the fibro and see if it matches my problems. So good news in that respect, that everything is ticking alone inside like it should I guess. So you guys were right again, and sure help me calm down.

23-06-10, 00:14
Hi, cinny. While i agree that you should stay away from Google on this one, I wanted to tell you that I have had rib cage pain on and off for years. Underneath, on the outside, etc. It's a really really common stress symptom. We get tension in our breathing mechanisms because we hold our breath when we don't realize it, and it causes everything to crunch.

So I wanted to offer you some relief at least on that one! I hope that helps.
