View Full Version : Teds adventures with jean

jaded jean
17-06-10, 08:30
I didnt have a passenger for my first trip to yoga class yesterday so thought my best friend Ted could come with me . all knowing all seeing Ted. Never dishes the dirt, very diplomatic. the best friend anyone could have .
I drove the arduous 3 miles to the venue -Ted being my map reader mind, we arrived there safe and sound- what do you think TED I asked . TED didnt say anything, being the all wise ted that he is he didnt need to.Ok thats good I said , we are ready for this yoga class. After 1/2 an hour of filling out forms we were ready to start. lying on the floor with a foam block under your head is a bit strange I looked at Ted but he was sitting there taking it all in as usual, clever Ted.after an hour of various positions that I never thought possible and the occasional gas emissions around the room-yes Ted I am talking about you!! we were all totally relaxed . I think Ted will have to get a sweat band for the next lesson. he was pulling some brilliant moves there to the envy of the class. might even treat him to some new shorts too....:lisa:Jean

17-06-10, 08:49
Hi Jean,
Glad to hear Ted was there for you when you were feeling nervous about going to the yoga class. Do you and Ted have any plans for today then?


17-06-10, 10:16
Good one

jaded jean
17-06-10, 11:12
Well I had to go to the doctors and as here is a toybox in the waiting room I didnt want to end up taking someone elses 'car buddy ' home. Anyway I had a big suprise for him when I got home THE DOCTOR HAS SIGNED ME OFF!!!!! so it could be packed lunches for the wee man next week , I can always take him for a drive in the evenings tho. will let you know of his thoughts x

Going home
17-06-10, 11:55
Well done Jean...and Ted of course :D

Anna xxx

jaded jean
17-06-10, 12:20
Ted says thankyou in his usual gruff little manner. he is having a nap at the mo. too hot for him with all that fur dont you know!!:D