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View Full Version : Any ideas to relieve withdrawal symptoms?

17-06-10, 08:32
I had been on Effexor 150mg p/d for about 8 months when i went to a new doctor who put it up to 300mg p/d because i was unable to sleep. After taking 300mg p/d for the past 2 months i decided that i felt worse and wanted to go back to taking 150mg p/d. Being back on the 150mg p/d i am still experiancing withdrawal 10 days on! This has been absolute hell for me! I am only 22 years old and my boyfriend is currently training in the army so i am back living with my parents who are also currently overseas. The withdrawal symptoms i am getting are horrible and i would never have gone on this drug had i know that i would experiance such extreme withdrawal.
I got into work monday morning and staff members came up to me and were asking me if i was ok. I burst into tears and i couldnt even rememeber how i had got to work that day,, let alone what i had dont the whole weekend.
I am experiencing the follow
Brain Zaps
Numbness and tingling in my extremeties
Withdrawn "spaced out" feeling
Muscle spasm - mainly in legs and worse at night
Vision disturbances
Hearing ultra sensitive
These are symptoms i would experiance when i use to get migraines but with a migraine these symptoms would dissapear within about 12 hours. But not with Effexor!
I have tried everything
I take Benydryl about 15ml 3x a day, this seems to help a little with the brain zaps but it makes me sleepy.
I am also taking Alepam (a type of benzodiazapam) for the muscle spasm but this also makes me groggy.
I have just read about fish oil capsules and have decided to give them a go to.
I will be seeing my doctor again tomorrow and hopefully there will be something else i can do.
If you have any other ideas that have helped you please share them with me, because i feel like i am going crazy!:scared15: