View Full Version : So I went to A&E.... Please help me!

17-06-10, 11:01
So last night after another full on day with this lump feeling on the right side of my throat. I go back to my parents in floads of tears and near on passing out complaining of this Globus/debris/lump/pain in chest when breathe etc...... we go to A&E

We are seen quickly. I had an ECG (probably because I was complaining about it hurting to breathe) what a surprise....all clear. I see another doctor who looks in my mouth and sees 'nothing'. I asked yet again about my right tonsil being larger than the left - again he sees 'nothing' wrong. He listens to me breathe and gets me to do all other kinds of exams (put my arms in and out, oush against him etc) I'm like it's my THROAT! There is something in my THROAT

He asks about any apppointment up and coming for ENT, I tell him it's 9th July, he says he can't do anything and I have to wait and he can't speed up the referal :weep: I had a panic attack when I came home - still worrying. I prayed liked I've never prayed before. I had a dream I was told it was Tonsil cancer - so woke up worried and upset from the dream. I have a sore throat from constant swallowing. My symptoms today feel like:
1. Really heavy chest on the right side - feels like muscle ache
2. Feels like a large lump in my throat
3. Feels like a huge 'mass' on the right hand side
4. Pain in my neck right hand side
5. woke up with what looks like phlegm coming from the back of my nose down my throat
6. Throat looks slightly red
7. Pain, heaviness, lump feeling, debris feeling is all on the right side

I had my first session of CBT Tuesday and to be honest I don't think the phone call was very good/pro-active? I didn't feel any kind of help or reassurrance from it whatsoever? Shall I go back to doc tomorrow? Will be the 5th time now regarding this. But as there is now phlegm/pain/heaviness and all on one side surely that warrants a visit? I start back at work this Monday (full time) so I won't have anymore spare time; however I am a Dental Nurse and work in a hospital (perfect place for a HA sufferer huh!)

This is bothering me so much. I'm in pain. My chest hurts. Is this really Anxiety coming out? Please help me.......................

17-06-10, 11:18
I do think it sounds like anxiety.I was getting a feeling that i couldnt breath a few weeks ago and convinced myself i had lung cancer because i was sweating and a pain in my back etc.I had a chest x ray and it was clear and i havent had the sweats or breathlessness since.The mind is a poweful thing and i was in a right state a few weeks ago and some of the symptoms have gone so obviously i was doing it to myself with worrying and googling symptoms.
I dont think you have tonsil cancer because they have looked in your throat and i used to get sore throats on my left side and my left tonsil always used to be infected until i had them out a few years ago.
Try and relax if you can i know its hard but believe me anxiety can cause allsorts of odd symptoms.

17-06-10, 11:29
Have had just what you are talking about for 26 years.
At the start I to went to a and e and had a lot of tests but nothing was ever found.

I still get this some weeks are worse then others with it even had the feeling there was glass in my throat once that went on every day for about 3 months.

Mine also was right side

17-06-10, 12:10
I know this sounds dreadful loveletter; however do seek comfort from others suffering the same symptoms. Only because I feel like I'm going mad. I really do. It feels as though the inside of my chest is burning/itching slightly. This lump now feels like it's a flap of skin on the right hand side and I constantly try to swallow it and it's as though I can feel the saliva pass it but then it goes back to where is originally was. Does this make sense? I do feel as though I'm bordering along the lines of being hysterical at the momment.

When I was in A&E I was still crying!! The old me would never do a thing like that. I really didn't give a toss what people thought. I just wanted the doctors to take this feeling away. However prior to going in, I had a mini panic attack becuase I was worrying they were going to tell me it was cancer and I didn't want to know. I have never in my life thought these thoughts. The pain in my chest, right side, under my breast is really worrying. I keep eating to take away the lump feeling. I can't start my new job like this:weep: I just want this feeling to go. I am not enjoying life in the slightest. As all I'm worrying about is having some kind of oral cancer...........

Going home
17-06-10, 12:11
Hi there, its awful to be in the grip of fear like this I know. If you had problems with your tonsils the doctor would have spotted it, you can see tonsils quite clearly just by looking into your throat and if they were swollen theyd be seen. The constant swallowing could be making your throat dry and sore too, I know you're doing it because this is how you can feel the 'lump' and you keep checking it to see if its still there but try not to do it. Your body knows when to swallow (you have to have enough saliva in your mouth and then its just a reflex) just as it knows when to breathe. There are muscles in your throat and it sounds like they're very tense, like the muscles in your chest seem to be too.

The CBT phone call probably didn't reassure you because it sounds like you're not ready to be reassured, you think the people who are trying to tell you you don't have an illness are all wrong so you're not open to the reassurences just yet. Hopefully the ENT specialist will be able to do that.

Best wishes
Anna xxx

17-06-10, 12:22
Hi goinghome. Thank you for your kind words and Zippy. I know what you mean about not being open yet. I feel like the medical profession are all against me. although one GP called me neurotic (he wasn't my normal, lovely doctor) So when something like that happens it makes you think: 'hang on, he just wants me out of his office and thinks I'm a loony' I have fantastic parents and partner. Who I feel sorry for having this wreck of a daughter/partner - rather than the happy Nina who use to be around.

I thought I would actually see the therapist? I didn't realise it was over the phone? I felt as though I couldn't really open up as much? I was so hoping it would work and I now have to do it once a week on my lunch hour? I just feel this isn't right. I wanted to go and see somebody? I wonder if there are any local groups or evening stuff in my area. I am really up for some help and tools to beat this. However what is making it all worse it this lump thing. I'm so scared, it's always there.

maybe a trip back to GP tomorrow wouldn't hurt - even if it's for the diazepam I refused previously. I had a real job getting to sleep last night, I was holding my partners PJ top so tight. I just felt like I needed constant comfort. I had an attack and was talking to myself and the lord above for help...beging for all this to end and takeaway this dreadful lump feeling. This is the problem. Not the underlying problem that caused the anxiety in the first place. This lump/debris/flap/tight chest/pain is making the dreadful 'cancer' thoughts worse and the lack of 'care' from docs.... I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse here!...........

17-06-10, 12:27
you dont have oral cancer neen............those symptoms are because of panic............are you having cbt?

17-06-10, 12:52
I had my first session on Tuesday. Didn't realise it was going to be sessions on the phone though? I didn't get comfort from this session whatsoever???

heather xx
17-06-10, 13:47
maybe you can be referred to speak to someone face to face? i do my sessions over the phone but the first 2 were done face to face to reveiw how i was. They told me they couldnt assess me over the phone??

17-06-10, 14:00
Hi Heather

I might ask when I have my 2nd one next week. She assessed me and said I have moderate to severe Anxiety and mild to moderate depression. When we speak next - obviously I have to tell her I've been to A&E etc, so maybe me mentioning I wasn't expecting to have phone sessions she could perhaps put me in contact with a face to face session? I've yet to look at local anxiety groups in my area? I'll get onto it now. Lump in throat is directly in the middle now :-( still hurts to breathe and still feels painful on the right side.............. Thanks for all your comments - you're all helping me lots xx

Going home
17-06-10, 14:20
If the hurting when breathing was anything to do with your lungs this would be heard through the stethescope when the doctor examined you, and if your lungs sounded clear then the chances are the pain when you breathe is probably muscular...you#re obviously very stressed and fearful and this creates a hell of alot of tension, throughout your whole body. its not harmful to your muscles, in fact it gives them a bit of a workout to be honest, but I know it can be scary neen.

I agree that maybe you could ask for a face-to-face CBT session if you'd feel better with this, and keep on looking for local groiups too, thats a good idea. keep posting here too as there is always someone around who knows how you feel.

Anna xx :flowers:

Going home
17-06-10, 15:42
Neen, ive just been reading a thread put on by MidnightCalm titled 'Anybody know of' where she is asking for a possible online therapy, and one of the members who replied has given a link to online CBT...thought it might be another way to go for you?

Anna xxx

17-06-10, 16:44
Thank you ever so much. I'm just looking online at the kca website by my local PCT. However I will ask my therapist about one to one/ Also I'll I might start a health/general journal. One for my own sanity and two for the ENT guys when I see them in July. I just gulped 2 large spoonfuls of Gaviston errrrrrrr! How disgusting is that stuff; however it felt as though it calmed it for all of 30 mins????? I would sell my house to solve these problems.... Peace to you all, and allot of prayer! :yesyes:

Going home
17-06-10, 17:00
Good for you, keep up the positive thoughts and the journal will help too.

Anna xxx