View Full Version : Anxiety has gotten so bad I want to stay indoors

17-06-10, 12:35
Anybody any advice? I just feel constantly anxious, disturbed sleep, fast heart beat, depersonalization and I've become housebound. I went out yesterday for 5 minutes and turned back. I had been working but cut my hours to weekends and just sat in my room all day. Sometimes struggling to even go get something to eat as I'm so worried I will die. :lac:

I'm not sure what I fear, just have a big wall up when I go out like I can't face it. I've been wanting to go into town all week but been awful with it.

What will I do?

17-06-10, 13:19
Hi Phil, I am sorry you are feeling so bad but have you got a friend who would accompany you on a short trip out. I have had to push myself to go out over the last two days because I have the unbalance, jelly legs etc, and I am sure you know that staying in will make you worse. You need some support at the moment to get your confidence back, and I really feel for you. I do hope you can find someone to go out with you.

17-06-10, 14:00
Phil this is a REALLY crucial time for you. If you let agoraphobia take a grip now you will potentially have an even bigger mountain to climb later.

Have you considered anti-depressants? Many of the modern SSRIs are very good at re-regulating your nervous system and giving you a helping hand to face the things you need for face. They were certainly incredibly therapeutic for me when I took them.

Go and see your doctor, at least just for a chat.


17-06-10, 14:04
As Gareth said, you need to be careful now - I slipped into a phase of not really wanting to go out, lethargy, then getting anxious about going out. Then I became fully agoraphobic and couldn't get to the door without panic. This all took hold quickly.

Start working on it step by step. Now I'm at a stage where I am able to go for small walks and using CBT with exposure therapy - but you can still avoid getting to that stage. Sometimes it's a case of pushing a little bit to get over a smaller hurdle.

17-06-10, 14:09
As Gareth said, you need to be careful now - I slipped into a phase of not really wanting to go out, lethargy, then getting anxious about going out. Then I became fully agoraphobic and couldn't get to the door without panic. This all took hold quickly.

Start working on it step by step. Now I'm at a stage where I am able to go for small walks and using CBT with exposure therapy - but you can still avoid getting to that stage. Sometimes it's a case of pushing a little bit to get over a smaller hurdle.

I am worried incase I become housebound. I just feel Ill..if I go out I'm worried I'll drop dead or won't find the energy to keep walking..it's awful..I am going to try and push myself today if not I may have to call the doctors see what they can do.

It all started with depersonalization and being scared it's been awful. Diazepam calmed me down but I'm now on propranolol to try and keep me calm. :shrug:

17-06-10, 14:24
I got the same although I do go for 2 walks a day on the field nearby, there's usually a few people that pass me to walk their dogs so I'm at least getting to see people and having them see me. I try to go and play some kind of games with my friend on the field daily be it just throwing a ball or badminton just to put some differentiation to the day.
Yesterday I walked to Sainsbury's on my own to get some drinks and today I went around Tesco shopping with friends but the whole while I was thinking how much I just wanted to be inside, how much I wanted my room.
I just want to be in wishing I was out, be out glad that I'm out rather than constantly wishing I was in. It's depressing.

17-06-10, 14:32
I am worried incase I become housebound. I just feel Ill..if I go out I'm worried I'll drop dead or won't find the energy to keep walking..it's awful..I am going to try and push myself today if not I may have to call the doctors see what they can do.

It all started with depersonalization and being scared it's been awful. Diazepam calmed me down but I'm now on propranolol to try and keep me calm. :shrug:

I know that feeling, for a while I was worried if I went out too far I'd take ill and be too far from home to get back. It just takes progress, I'm still not out of the woods, I can still only get so far from my house... but it's progress. These things work well in steps, don't overpush it either - that can have negative effects. Do what you think you can.

It's a good idea to speak to your dr, no harm in finding out what they can do to help, make sure they know everything.

17-06-10, 16:12
Good news I managed a walk today over ten minutes.

I felt a bit of a head rush like I'd not find my way home half way in but held on..

Still feeling a bit of a zombie about the house..wish it would ease. :blush:

17-06-10, 16:28
Good news I managed a walk today over ten minutes.

I felt a bit of a head rush like I'd not find my way home half way in but held on..

Still feeling a bit of a zombie about the house..wish it would ease. :blush:

Thumbs up. It always feels (sort of) good afterwards, even if you feel physically rubbish. It can be draining, but it's progress. Keep reminding yourself of these positive steps. I get quite buzzy sometimes after walking, especially if it's been a longer walk, or further. Gradually this becomes easier though as I've got used to going to certain places. With my exposure therapy, I go to the same spot over and over until it feels okay.

17-06-10, 17:27
Just wanted to jump in and say that I feel that fear too, Phil and mumble, the fear of feeling ill/too weak when on a walk to walk back again. It's horrible, isn't it? Glad to hear you've made progress though, mumble, after repeating certain walks over and over.

17-06-10, 17:35
Just wanted to jump in and say that I feel that fear too, Phil and mumble, the fear of feeling ill/too weak when on a walk to walk back again. It's horrible, isn't it? Glad to hear you've made progress though, mumble, after repeating certain walks over and over.

Thanks =) It is a struggle. It helps knowing others have the same thing as it takes some of the worry that it's just yourself feeling it, if that makes sense? I've found it helps to remember that sometimes. Hope you're doing okay with it.

17-06-10, 18:01
I was like that and spend 7 years from the ages of 16 - 23 in the house, didn't leave it once. I just one day said right I'm fed up, got up and went out.

You need to get it sorted now as it will get worse and harder to leave your house. Go to your Dr and let them know you need some serious and not just tablets.

17-06-10, 22:05
Hi Phil,

I am so sorry you are feeling like this, as I too have had this. It's really important you try to keep going out - like you did for your 10 min walk. Keep trying that sort of thing, but don't push yourself too much. Try to face your fears otherwise it will get more difficult later on.

Bug hug,

Louise x