View Full Version : Livinglifetothefull CBT course,

17-06-10, 15:39
Hi Everyone,

Anyone have any experience with this course. Is it actually free, any good results. Any other course on line???

thanks Ron

17-06-10, 16:05
I started it a while ago, not finished it as I started CBT offline. But it had some useful steps through the start. It's all free - it was recommended by my GP.

17-06-10, 19:52
Hi Ronster

I've just signed up online for this course and started work on it this afternoon. The format is easy to follow and I think that it will be enjoyable and helpful. Just doing something positive is helping me to feel a bit better about myself. You should give it a try. :)

18-06-10, 00:26
Do you have a link to this?

Going home
18-06-10, 00:31
Jo, I think if you just ask your computer for www.livinglifetothefull (http://www.livinglifetothefull) you'll find it....oh there you go, its automatically created a link from me showing this here!

Anna xxx

18-06-10, 00:43

19-06-10, 15:51
I've also started this now, how are you guys finding it so far? Has anybody given up with it yet? I'm scared I might. I'm going out to get a notepad and a pen so I can just jot down all the things it's saying, seems really positive, glad other people are doing it on here aswel.
Here's to hoping it helps us all :)

19-06-10, 16:42
Hope it helps somewhat =) I only did it as it was recommended by my GP, so I figured it must be quite well respected. I started it last year and have done the first few modules in the intro (as I felt better I stopped...) but have now started going through it again. There are some useful sections in it. I have recently started CBT with a therapist too so I figured it'd be good to use together.

19-06-10, 17:33
I'm going to try this. Will let you know how it goes. :)

19-06-10, 17:55
I'd like to know how people are getting on and which parts people found most effective in helping them so I can focus on them haha.

19-06-10, 18:09
I found the intro section to be useful, as it guides you through and starts out - printed out some info from the others too - they have exercises to do.
I started Anxiety Control 1, Practical Problem Solving is a good one, Changing Unhelpful Thinking - these are good ones to help you think about situations a little clearer and avoiding negative thoughts.

20-06-10, 01:03
I'm finding it quite hard. I think I get overwhelmed with things. I only started it yesterday and I've gone through quite a few modules, I bought a notepad and pens so that I could jot things down because I'm unable to print the sheets off but I'm finding it hard to figure out where to start, what to try and do first, I need to be told something specific to do, like go to the shops, instead of thinking this think this, instead of leaving from anxiety do this and this.
Maybe I'm putting too much effort into it, just when I try to do something I like to really try and get fully into it I'm just finding it hard to find a starting point, what to write.

20-06-10, 03:04
Hi everyone,

Been away from the laptop since I wrote this thread. Looks like there has been some interest in the on line CBT course. personally haven't had a chance to sart it but think I will try it this week. Maybe if we could all use this thread we may be able to hekop each other through if neccessary.

Good luck everyone, loook for eard to hear some success's.


20-06-10, 12:01
I tried it for a while but found it a bit clinical.. I changed to another free one called moodgym and found it much easier to get along with.