View Full Version : Seriously Ill!

17-06-10, 16:43
My muscles are twitching and my hands shake, my body trembles when i get up. Im tired as soon as i wake up, im light headed and swimmy. AND VERY WEAK!

Im convinced my body is fighting something serious and its in my blood. And im scared i have something seriously wrong which is taking over my body. Like a diesease! And ive been tired for two weeks now and i dont feel like i have long left. :weep:

They dont know whats wrong with me and i think its going to be too late before they find out!!! :weep:

i know i worry loads but ive never been so scared, this isnt right is it? Its not normal!! :weep:

i NEED reassurance, please. Someone. :weep:

17-06-10, 16:50
What has your gp said? have you had a blood test?

17-06-10, 16:59
What has your gp said? have you had a blood test?

my doctor was no help, she was new to me and she didnt speak much english didnt even look into my history. Wasnt good atall.

had a blood test, but what if they cant find anything, or if its too late before the results come back?

17-06-10, 17:10
as above, also if you can get a blood test done and it shows nothing then that is good as any serious illness will show up on a bloos test. Demand a blood test then when that comes back good ask for some cbt therapy, I start mine in 3 weeks. My smptons seem identical to the post above and i have had endless tests which all came back ok, I think anxiety is a lot more powerful that some doctors understand!!!

17-06-10, 17:31

ITS JUST SO HARD TO COPE, im young aswell which is even tougher.

ive never experienced this before and its so overwhelming. Because theres nothing anyone can do or even me, just to PRAY. and hope.

17-06-10, 17:40
thankyou. :(

17-06-10, 17:50
All the symptoms you described can be anxiety related.
If there is nothing in the blood work then that is what you are dealing with.
I would suggest you go back to the doc. If you have one in that practice you feel more comfortable with specifically ask for that doc.
Tell him/her exactly how you feel. Lay it all out there. Be completely honest and EXPECT him/her to discuss it and try to formulate a plan to help you!!!

17-06-10, 19:48
Hi OP,

Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. I did go through much the same some years ago, anxiety was what most of it was put down to, but one Dr diagnosed CFS, the symptoms did match. To this day I am in two minds to what it was, but I know for a fact that I have always suffered from health anxiety, and my anxiety makes my CFS worse at times.

Try to find a doctor you are happy with one who takes the time to listen not just run tests. The Dr I had at the time was old school and was happy just to pop into see me at home and sit down to chat with a cup of tea, not many around these days, unfortunate but they see being a Dr as a 9-5 job no more.

Good luck, and keep us posted as to how you get on,


Going home
17-06-10, 19:52
Hi Peter, who is OP and what is CFS?

Anna xx

17-06-10, 20:05
Hi Peter, who is OP and what is CFS?

Anna xx

I think he means original poster and chronic fatigue syndrome.

I hope you feel better soon Ruby.

17-06-10, 20:52
These are amazing posts.
ruby94. All here truly understand. Please stay with us here and keep us updated.
Mornings are rough for me too.
I often look back at my blood work and ekg from last summer to remind myself I'm ok.
Peter Scott. You are very blessed to have a great dr. like that. Most of us can't find a dr. who is that wonderful. My childhood dr. 30+ years ago was like that.