View Full Version : coping with anxiety whilst pregnant....help!

17-06-10, 17:40
Im 7 weeks pregnant, i have just come home from hospital as i was having severe pelvic pain, they thought i was having an ectopic pregnancy, but thankfully all was fine with the baby, but a scan showed that my bowel was slightly enlarged and overlaying my ovary, and as i have IBS they suspect this is the cause. The pains are still pretty bad and i have morning sickness (well all day sickness) and im just feeling very low, and scared that my anxiety is going to take over and i wont cope. I have 2 daughters already but i never suffered with IBS or anxiety with the other pregnancies as ive only been suffering with all these issues for about 2 yrs now.
I was just hoping someone who has been though pregnancy whilst suffering anxiety/ibs could just give me some words of wisdom maybe??? Im just nervous im going to affect my baby with this excessive worrying etc.

Debs x

17-06-10, 18:28
Hi hun, don't worry about a thing! I'll message u tonight when I'm on me laptop. You and your new baby are going to be absolutely fine I promise!!!!!

Speak to you soon xxx

17-06-10, 21:41
I started suffering with anxiety when my middle child was approx 2yrs old (she's now 7) I went on to fall pregnant with my 3rd whilst on Fluoxetine, GP stopped these although Midwife advised not to as it could make things worse for me but I managed it & to be honest wasn't as anxious through pregnancy as what I had been before, my anxiety really kicked in towards the end as I developed pre-eclampsia again & ended up being induced, I had the same with my 1st so I think it was the fear of knowing what was to come with the induction & all the poking/prodding & various tests, I told the midwife that was in delivery with me that I was going to die, etc etc as my anxiety really took over me at this point but as soon as I was home again everything returned to normal although my anxiety returned last year with a vengence (my son is 2 in august) & I have been worse since but during pregnancy I was absolutely fine & I'm sure you will be too xx