View Full Version : Cat gone missing...How am I gonna get through this? :'(

17-06-10, 20:04
I've hit the point where I feel that this is the last straw, it's gonna finish me off & I'm gonna go crazy...or worse...

The main trigger lately is being my cat going missing. I've had her since I was only 8 years old [15 years] & I'm missing her so, so much. The despair & sadness is unbearable.
I don't know if anybody has seen my other posts but I have suffered from mild anxiety since I left school in 2003 but last christmas, it worsened considerably & I ended up in the A&E with a VERY fast heart rate :(
Since then I've slowly been trying to get back to some kind of normality...since joining these boards I've realised I have bad Health Anxiety, GAD, Social phobia & slight OCD tendencies.

Anyway, I thought I was getting back to some kind of normal life, but a few weeks ago, my cat went out & she never came back. We've done everything we can to find her & nothing has worked. :'(
She's been part of my life for such a long time & I'm finding it really hard to cope without her.
My anxiety seems to be worsening by the day & I'm not getting ANY sleep, I have reddy black bags under my eyes & the skin on my face has gone dry & cracked. I've gone back to the feeling of being strangled & like I can't breathe. Severe chest pains, arm pains, palpitations. :(

My cats are one of my only comforts & this has been a big blow to me when I weren't properly feeling 100%

The days are unbearable & I can't bear the thought of her never coming back & never finding out what's happened to my lovely, sweet cat :(
I can't cope with the grief, it's like nothing I've ever felt before, like a huge crushing emotional pain & nothing can dull it...

I know I should go to my doctor but I'm worried he's gonna be like 'You're this upset over a cat?' sort of thing, like he'll think I'm stupid & won't understand :(

I don't know what on earth to do... :'(

17-06-10, 20:50
Im so sorry to hear about your missing cat, yes some people dont always understand how much losing a pet can hurt. Pets are part of our family and we love them like our babies. If she does not come home hun, please seek support for your greif.

You can talk to us, come in the chat room hun and I have also posted some links for you, dont go through this alone. Even if you go to your doctor and he does not understand your greif dont let that stop u seeking help, if you feel you need some. u dont have to mention your cat if you dont want to you can say you've had a breavement and leave it at that.



Take care hun

17-06-10, 20:58
:hugs:All here understand. Our pets are important to us right from the day we get them.
Your symptoms are like those of us with anxiety.

17-06-10, 20:59

I am so sorry about your cat being missing, I do hope she turns up. I know the pain you are talking about, it's hard to describe, isn't it? It would be less painful if you broke your leg!

My beautiful cat passed away last August and I went to hell! I had all terrible anxiety symptoms + depression and grief, I was a wreck.

We love our pets dearly and the grief over losing them is very real.

Please message me if you want to talk.

Praying that your darling cat comes back home to you.


17-06-10, 21:07
I can totally empathise. I would be a wreak if my cat went missing.
Could it be that shes gone off to try and cool down? I know our cats can go missing over the summer as they find somewhere cool and dont want to get up and move in the hot weather.
I really hope she comes back soon.

17-06-10, 21:27
I really feel for you, we went through the same a few years back with our cat, he went missing for two weeks, we are sure that he got locked in somewhere & the person went on holiday as he came back exactly 2wks to the day, he was awfully thin & very weak but with nursing he seemed to be picking up & then decided to take himself off for a wander again this time he didn't come back the way that he should have as he went to close to a busy road & we believe he was still disorientated from his ordeal but he snuck out the front door when my husband took the kids to school one morning & there was nothing we could do.
I will never ever forget seeing him for the last time the way that he was & it makes my stomach turn & makes me cry.
I know none of that helps but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in the feelings as I felt exactly the same as you, I really hope that she comes back soon & that you can feel some relief from your symptoms shortly, I think maybe a trip to the doctors would be a good idea, you don't have to tell the reason if you don't want to but they might be able to offer some help xxxx

18-06-10, 12:59
Thanks everyone for all your advice. You have no idea how appreciated it is at the moment. I'm gonna go to my doctor & just say I've had a bereavement, I'm not gonna say who or what.

I really need some help, I woke up in a right state at 3am...just horrible, worst I've ever been :(

Thanks everyone so much x x

18-06-10, 13:12
I can imagine how awful it is for you.

My elderly cat had to be put to sleep last year and the last week of his life it was like being in hell. My anxiety began to improve almost as soon as he had gone, and I knew I didn't need to worry about him any more.

Our vet has a pet bereavement counsellor. It might be worth seeing if yours does too and if you could chat to him/her about how you feel.

18-06-10, 13:52
I really feel for you. My cat went missing for three weeks four years ago. He's a house cat and only ever ventured into the back yard, but this time he must have gone through the front way and lost his bearings. I was convinced he'd gone for good. Turned out he was just four doors down the road. A neighbour recognised him and brought him home. He was all thin and raggedy. I know how gutted you must feel. Like the others have said, go and see your doctor -he/she might be more understanding than you think. Take care shug x

18-06-10, 14:23
((hugs)) I lost my dog last April and he was my best friend and got me through some real dark periods in my life. He died very suddenly from a stroke at home and I was beside myself for months afterwards thinking who is next to die on me. Pets are family and I do understand.

My cat also went missing on night in Nov-late fireworks one night!! and she was a housecat and was missin for 4 weeks. She turned up one night on our doorstep very weak but alive and is now def a house cat lol!!!