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View Full Version : Stroke, tumor, brain haemorrage worry

12-02-06, 15:18
hi ppl, i was in paris abt 2 days ago and one part of the right side of my head near d back started feelin weird.

it felt as if that there was a build up of blood or something. and it kinda felt like dat part of my head is expanding along with other parts of my head.

i saw someone, dey checked me blood pressure = perfect, checked me blood sugar = perfect. they chekcd me head = nothing wrong.

however, i feel whoshy, lightness sensations in my head, i seem to lose concerntratiion sometimes as well.

for all i know it could b a head cold as i was constatnly going to hot and cold places.

either way i am really scared and need some reassucrance, i still get those head sensations, i cant help but fink about it

12-02-06, 15:45
The head is a muscle and I suffer teribly from it. Behind my ear, to the base of my neck and up the side of my face by my ear. Stress and worry will cause it, and I know that I have caused it but still worry about it. It does go away. IF you take advil or Ibprofrane it will help.

Reassurance will help ease it up I am sure.

Hope it leaves soon!


12-02-06, 19:58
I get lots of funny head sensations, dizziness, blocked deeling here and there, head pains etc - I think it's a common symptom.

If the docs have checked you out then the chances are it 's nothing serious and anxiety is the cause although I completely understand how sometimes that isn't comforting at all and you still worry.

Try a relaxing bath, etc.

Annie x

13-02-06, 13:48
Massage is good for that muscle and releases loads of tension and wierd feelings.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-02-06, 15:30
Also have you ever thought of taking up yoga??

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-02-06, 17:17
I have considered taking it up