View Full Version : scared again, just for a change, moles!!

17-06-10, 20:35
hi i have visited this site many times but this is the first time I've actually written anything. my background is that i was diagnoised with global anxiety nearly three years ago after a breakdown following the birth of my third daughter. In the past couple of years my axniety levels around my health have been really bad and I have convinced myself that I have numerous cancers, heart and liver faliure plus a few other things I have probally forgotten about. i am on an anti depresent which help with anixety and sleeping tablets.

Anyway my current obbsession concerns my moles and I'm reallly looking for some help/support.

I have hundreds of moles some large and strange looking, some dark (they seem to run in the family as my sister and mother are the same) and have been to see my gp about them a year and half ago. He said that although I did have a lot they looked ok but referred me to the hospital anyway. I waited 3 months and after the consultnat had a quick look she said they were ok but she would photo them and them I could check them. I had the photos done (they are very bad quality and have missed areas )and this put my mind at rest.

Anyway I have now become obsessed that I was mis-diagnoised and should get the moles checked again. I very stupidly have been googleing which has convinced me that at least two of my moles should have been removed and now I can't remember exactly what the consultant said, I also have so many moles that it is impossible to check them all and I am very worried pretty much 24/7 that I have cancer. To make matters worse my glands around my throat are swollen and I'm worrying that I've missed somwthing and that now the cancer has spread to my lymgth nodes.

As this has now been going on for a month I have had enough and have found a private mole clinic who are going to map my moles and diagnoise any dodgy ones but the next appointment they can offer is in a month. i don't know if i can wait thar long and am really panicing that if they do find a cancerous mole i will feel really stupid for waiting so long and that waiting a month could be fatal. I'm also really worried that if a mole wasw missed last time it could be really serious now. sorry for the long post, i have keeping this inside for ages and just need some sensible points of view.

17-06-10, 21:07

The reason why I ended up with anxiety was because of a mole situation. That is why I ended up on this website. I have hudreds of moles! Too many to count - as does my mum. She had a mole turn jet black on her face, so went to docs, he sent her to hospital, she had it off, it was cancerous; however it hadn't spread (thank God) So alarm bells started ringing - off I went to GP, showed her most of them and the few I was concerned about. She refered me to hospital within 2 weeks. That's all I had to wait (I say all now! OMG it was the longest 2 weeks of my life - so far) So go to your GP, show the ones you are concerned about and get a referal within 2 weeks. Say to her/him that you know you can get an appointment within 2 weeks. The NHS work on a 18week pathway; however some work on a 13week pathway - so you're bound to be seen earlier.

Anyway I was diagnosed with Dyplastic Nevi, told to have them photograped (by my partner) and mole map. Check every 6 weeks, always keep an eye on them and look out for any change. I can tell you now... I have never been so scared, anxious, wound up and on the verge of loosing it in all my life. I convinced myself I had terminal cancer. I was living and acting as though I was dying. When I got the all clear - I thought it would make it better; however it triggered all this subconcious anxiety off and I'm struggling with another health battle as we speak. I just wanted to let you know - I know exactly how you feel and I hope that there isn't anything wrong with your moles! I bet there isn't - it will be this horrid anxiety :mad:

If you can? Phone the doctors first thing tomorrow morning, get an emergency appointment (to put your mind at ease) get a referal to the dermatologist department and you should be seen within that time frame i mentioned above or maybe sooner? Peace to you, keep us posted on whats happening and welcome to the family! You'll find some great people and friends that will really help you

Nina xx

17-06-10, 21:23

thanks for the reply, it's really appreciated. i am due to go to the doctors on monday for my monthly meds review and i've decided to wait until then but that if it's really still bothering me (which it will be!!) to ask for his opinion,. I am always worried that if I got to the doctors too much they will never believe or take seriously anything I tell them so try to limit myself !!. Like you my cancer obsession started following a real scare that thankfully turned out ok (lump in breast when daughter was 6 weeks old that turned out to be a cyst) but left me with a constant fear that I would contract cancer.

how do you cope with having lots of moles, i'm finding it really difficult at the moment (this time of year is always the worst as with all the shorts and vest tops etc I'm really aware of how many more moles I have than average). I constantly think that as I have so many and have occasionally used sunbeds etc I am bound to get skin cancer at some point.


17-06-10, 22:57
Just an FYI, Dyplastic Nevi is only a fancy way of saying that the mole is atypical. Not symmetrical or the same color in it's entirety.

The rule of thumb is if a mole is....not symmetrical,not the same color throughout, itches, changes in appearance, or breaks open, get it checked.
Doesn't mean that it's malignant but it should be checked.

You could have some of the moles removed for just cosmetic reasons if they are troublesome. It's a pretty easy procedure either way they decide to do it. I've had several removed.

There is no harm in requesting that a mole be checked. Please don't feel self conscience about getting this done!!! You have to advocate for your health or who else will???

18-06-10, 14:33
thanks again for the replies, they really help. i am feeling a bit calmer at the moment, god I HATE this anxiety. I totally freak out over everything health related and completely agree wirth you nena when you say you live as if you are already dying when in the midst of a scare. Although I have not even been told I have a dodgy mole yet I've already convinced myself that it will be cancerous and that the cancer will be the worst possible kind ! I know this is all a bit irrational but then as you all are aware it dosen't seem that way at the time.

18-06-10, 14:43
Some recent research (which I'm sure I read on the BBC website) said that people with lots of moles are likely to live longer! Unfortunately I can't remember why that is, but it might be a bit more encouraging for you. :yesyes:

heather xx
18-06-10, 15:05
oh wow i have loads and loads im gonna live till im 100 lol!
Does anyone know if moles and freckals are the same??

Also i know what you mean about worrying about moles its somthing that comes into mind about this time of year anyway i have had a very odd looking mole checked out and have been told its fine and just to keep an eye on it . How i wished i didnt get so burned back in the party days of ibza when i was 16 through to 18

18-06-10, 16:13
oh wow i have loads and loads im gonna live till im 100 lol!
Does anyone know if moles and freckals are the same??

Also i know what you mean about worrying about moles its somthing that comes into mind about this time of year anyway i have had a very odd looking mole checked out and have been told its fine and just to keep an eye on it . How i wished i didnt get so burned back in the party days of ibza when i was 16 through to 18

Hey I bet you had fun though in the party Ibiza days! Not a care in the world! I keep thinking about when I turned 21! I went to see madonna live a Wembley, was a bridesmaid in Vegas for my sis and went on a 2week, girly holiday to Malia in Greece! I was so happy! And care free; however I didn't have the depth, knowledge and wisdom I have now... LIFE it's all a learning curve.

I'm totally with you on the sunbed thing! I used to sit in cooking oil, burn, burn, burn. I am 1/4 Itallian and tan really dark so I hope this is all in my favour? I just need to keep an eye on them. Soon as any change girls - head to the docs.......... Why do we live as though we are dying already of every cancer going??? We need to beat this! Peace to you all. God bless.

Nina xx

18-06-10, 23:46
Hi Girls, reading all your posts is like reading my life. I too am obsessed with my moles. Ive had many cut out even though doc said they were OK and just to watch them. I knew Id be staring at them 1000 times a day so I opted for scars instead. Its winter now here in Australia so my anxiety isnt so bad as Im not bombarded with skin cancer images on TV and billboards. My current concern is cervical cancer. I went to have my pap test done 3 months ago and Im too scared to go and get my results. Stupid, I know and now i think Im pregnant and instead of being excited I am terrified of having to get a blood test just incase they find something. Ohhhh, this anxiety really ruins my life. My sister has a million moles on her body and she is fair and do you think she worries. Nup, I wish I had her frame of mind. She wasnt even worried when one of her moles turned black. It turned out to be nothing. Anyway, I totally understand how you feel. At least you have had them all checked so you should try and take comfort in that. Thinking of you all. Adelle.xxxx

19-06-10, 11:49
I have a friend with malignant melanomas, so have seen first hand what doctors look for. Yes moles can develop but what is far more common as in my friends case is that it is new pigmented spots that develop, and the grow very very fast, changes where noticed in a matter of days! and they often bleed.

I have some moles on my body and did used to worry but as there is no change I feel OK about them now.


16-10-14, 20:51
Hello are u ladies still on this site I also hAve a fear around my moles of which I have loads too x

17-10-14, 16:29
This is my current fear! I have a dermatologist appt next Thursday. I have one particularly large mole on my upper thigh that looks very bad to me. I have a ton of moles and so many of them look a little off.

If a specialist looked at them you are probably good to go. If you aren't happy with what they said I would make another appt and have them looked at again.

20-10-14, 19:32
Currently dealing with this as well. And to think, last week it was Leukemia I was worried about! I have a lot of moles and so does my mom. She's never had an issue with them though. There is one in my ear that looks large and spread out but I don't think it's larger than a pencil eraser (i'll check though). Something that worries me often is the brown streak through my thumb. Does anyone else have this? It's like a brown mark in the thumb nail that starts at the bottom and goes all the way to the end of my nail. According to Dr Google that can be a sign of skin c. Anyone else have this? My doctor didn't seem too concerned.


20-10-14, 22:09
Yep I am still here! I literally check daily to see if anyone has updated.

How long have you had the brown streak on your nail? Has a doctor ever looked at it?