View Full Version : just not right :(

18-06-10, 01:12
right now EVERYTHING seems wrong with me :'( iv made a doctors appointment, but i have so many things wrong, i know i cant tell her them all.. so i was wondering if anyone could help..

iv just been on holiday, and before i went had major anxiety regarding flying, not so much the actual flight, more the idea that if i have something wrong with me, the pressure changes/whatever of the flight will mean il die..i felt ill on the plane, but thats not all. whilst away i jad a series of pains, below the ribs, both sides but mainly the left, stomach pains (near my hip) general pains in my ribs, and pain in my back. most were stabbing pains, lasting a few seconds and repeating. some lasted for most of the day though. i also had a day where my legs ached so much it was as if id ran a marathon the day before, i just woke up with it.. lasted a day then went. i also get pain in my thighs. i just think my body is giving up.. i feel so wrong. im so scared to even go the doctors..im scared of having tests, cos if i have something i just think it'll be too late. im scared its a clot, or some kind of tumor..i also got a feeling, that was like an itchy throat except it felt like i had an itch inside my body too..i know thats weird..

whats worse is im going on holidat again, and im terrified of flying again


18-06-10, 02:24
All of your symptoms are symptoms of anxiety, I know this because I have them all and more however you should still go to your gp to ease your mind and to rule out any medical problem. With regards not telling your doctor everything I wrote down every single problem I have and he said it was great because it saved me keep going back and he has it on record that I told him about these things. I am just about to start cbt therapy through my doctor and im told its very effective so do try and see your gp and beat this demon known as anxiety. I hope this has helped somewhat.
