View Full Version : Trying to hold on, need some help PLEASE respond soon

18-06-10, 02:27
I am a 38yr male. I have fought with HA for many years. I have IBS and GERD. For the last several months I have been having aches and pains all over my muscles and joints and I keep trying to convince myself that it is all related to anxiety. I have been also having what I think is eczema that is spreading on my hands and elbows. I didn't have this skin problem until a couple of years ago but it has gotten a lot worse in the last few months. For the last few months I have been having lots of sinus and ear problems with headaches and some swallowing problems that antibiotics isn't helping. Today, I heard about a freind of my wife's that is my age and has cancer. She had really bad dry skin as one of her early symptoms and now I am freaking out that there is some link and I am dying. I am so scared that I have a tumor in my throat or somewhere else. I had full blood work about 8 months ago along with a colonoscopy and all was clear. Anyway sorry for long post but I really need to hear from someone right now. My wife doesn't get it even though she tries. I look at my kids and I about cry as I think of leaving them. Any words at all would be very helpful.


18-06-10, 02:40
Hi, I dont know if this will help at all but I will try, my view on cancer is that once its there it spreads rather quickly getting worse and causing other symptoms, What im saying is if you have had these symptoms for a while the chances are that you are ok especially as skin cancer is one of the quickest to spread, however another blood test from your doc wouldnt hurt and woul probably help ease your mind. I dont about the usa but we have medical advice lines here where you can get free confidential advice on all issues you could call one and they will certainly put your mind at rest. I am not a doctor obviously but there has been a lot of cancer in my family and it doesnt seem like you have it mainly due to how long you have had your problems. Let me know how you get on.
take care


18-06-10, 02:48
Hey j2! I get aches and pains everywhere and only since my anxiety started but they hardly ever let up either, so it really is connected to anxiety as there's nothing physically wrong with me.

Dry skin and eczma can come as a result of stress too AND not to mention the millions of people worldwide who have dry skin an eczma that's totally UNrelated to cancer. I've got a patch of red itchy skin on my elbow at the moment too and I'm fine :)

I've got swallowing problems, sometimes feels like there's a lump in my throat and I get all panicky, my left ear really hurts quite a lot somedays but that could be mild hayfever. The weather and pollen can affect our heads and stuff quite a lot without us even realising it. I always get a headache when it's about to thunder and a lot of people do too.

Just keep thinking you've had everything tested and you've been given the all clear. Try not to pay too much mind to what you think it might be cuz you'll just wind yourself up even more. I'm sorry to hear your feeling so bad right now, but I had a VERY bad day yesterday so I can understand completely. I hope this helped a little bit! Take care xxx

18-06-10, 02:49
Thanks Dave for the rational words. What is really freaking me out is that the aches and pains and the eczema just keeps getting worse and causing more anxiety. I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless and weak. I just want to be old self. I sometimes feel like I am getting better then something happens and I am worse than ever. This sucks.

18-06-10, 02:49
Please try not to get yourself worked up over cancer. I know thats easier said than done. I can help with the skin issue, if you have eczema, if you stress a lot, if will flair up and cause red patches to show up more. Im not sure where you live, but with the change of seasons, that could be causing some of your sinus and ear problems. Have you tried an antihistimine to dry up the excess? I know how scary this can be, and am glad you have someone who is there for you. Remember that antibiotics wont help if there isnt anything there to clear up. Anxiety is nasty, and will play on your fears. I hope this helps in some small way, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know. Take care :)

18-06-10, 02:53
Visit ur doctor again & get him to ease ur mind about ur skin. If ur doctor was concerned or thought it could be something then he has to get it further investigated. Even if ur doctor thinks its nothing, explain toh im any test would just ease ur mind & help with the severe anxiety.. im sure he'll understand. x

18-06-10, 02:54
Thanks Dave for the rational words. What is really freaking me out is that the aches and pains and the eczema just keeps getting worse and causing more anxiety. I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless and weak. I just want to be old self. I sometimes feel like I am getting better then something happens and I am worse than ever. This sucks.

I promise you i know exactly how you feel, i had a great few days when i joined this site and genuinly thought I had beat it by myself........then I had a massive panic attack while I was lying down and all started because my neck was hurting so i thought i was having a heart attack, now I seem to have a bad day every bloody day but what genuinly makes me feel better is making people on here feel better. I hope we can all help each other then start a site called we destroyed anxiety lol

18-06-10, 02:57
Great job crazy, I am also panic and anxiety free for almost 8 months now. I still come here daily to see if there is anything I can help with. J2 you can beat this. Right now may seem lik a low point, but it will get better for you. I agree, this site helped me more than I could have imagined.

18-06-10, 03:06
Over the years this anxiety has changed, but never gotten any better. I keep getting more and more physical symptoms and can't seem to get past the pain and doubt and find my out of this nightmare. I so trully appreciate all that you guys are doing for me and wish there was a way to repay you. I know better than to google anything but this cancer stricken friend of my wife's and the spreading aches and dry skin coupled with the sinus/ear/throat is just gotten in my head and past any kind of sane thinking. I hope and pray that you guys are right about this. It helps soooo much to hear from others that understand.