View Full Version : Weight gain "Mirtazapine" worried!!

Desprate Dan
18-06-10, 08:24
Hi, please help i have been AD's for over a year and the last few month i have been on 45mg Mirtazapine. The thing is i have put lots of weight on and i am starting to become obsessed, thinking i am going to have a heart attack or stroke, i have been trying to keep fit but find it so difficult... Will i loose weight if i stop my medication? What should i do? Would welcome you thoughts please, especially if you are or have put excess weight on whilst on Mirtazapine or other AD's Cheers Dan.

18-06-10, 08:35
Hey Dan,

You and me both!!! I started on mirtazipine 5 months ago (now on 30mg), and was over-weight in the first place but put on half a stone. I think it is o.k as long as you dont eat the wrong things. I am more worried about my mental health state to be honest. I am not sure if the mirtazipine is helping me anymore as I have been having awful anxiety, the GP prescribed Pregabalin as an add on and they too can make you gain weight!!! I think all AD's can make you gain weight but you just have to be careful what you eat.

I try to keep as active as I can I have a treadmill but now I am working full-time again only manage to go on it twice weekly...but at least its something!!!

Please try not to worry (easier said than done I know) as I am sure you would prefer to be over-weight and mentally stable than thin and depressed and anxious.


18-06-10, 11:40
I was on Mirtazapine and came off it because of the weight gain and I was only on it a month. I literally couldn't stop eating. I came off it and lost the weight really fast as I was back to eating normally.

My Mum has been on 30mg for about a year and she ate loads at first but that stopped a while ago now when her body got used to the dose. The weight gain is due to the fact it makes you want to eat, they give this tablet to anorexic people as it makes them hungry and want to eat.

See if it settles down in the next month or so and if not go back and ask if you can change meds, there are loads out there.

18-06-10, 11:41
Hi i put on about 9lbs when I was on 30mgs, when I dropped to 15mg I started to lose the weight.

18-06-10, 13:28
hiya im coming off zispin after 2 years due to the weight gain, i did give up smoking too so thats partly to blame for the 3 stone!!!!im down to 15mg so really hopeing it will start coming off, i must admit that initially zispin got me out of totall dispair, theyre a brill med its just the weight gain thats the prob xx:winks: