View Full Version : Please read! So scared right now

Natalie x
18-06-10, 08:41
Hi. I'm going out of my mind with worry. I am so worried over anythign to do with my head and lately I have been feeling like somethign cold is running through my head - almost as if I can feel my blood flowing. This morning I felt a little dizzy and I feel really sick. I'm so scared it's a brain tumor. Has anyone else ever had this? I'm so scared. Please reply! Should I be worried?

18-06-10, 09:08
Hi Natalie

If it's any consolation, I know exactly what you're describing. We become hyper-aware of our body functions and they become really intrusive. Trouble is then, we can't turn off the sensations that we're feeling.

I've had various of these over the years; I've been aware of my own heart and breathing, have obsessed about migraines and strokes (because my mother had both) and lately seem to have focussed on my stomach - which has resulted in me feeling as though I've had a tight band around my stomach for days!

And I'm old enough to know better.....:wacko:

Natalie x
18-06-10, 09:09
Hi bluenagel. Thanks for your reply. Do you think that I should be worried? I'm so scared that it's a brain tumor! Please give me some re-assuranace!

18-06-10, 09:22
Hi Natalie,

Please try not to worry hun, you do not have a brain tumour. The symptoms you describe are all anxiety and I have experienced them myself. It is hard because once you become self aware you find you feel everything...it will pass after time. If you really cannot get over it then go and have a chat with your GP to re-assure you. Even if you have to have tests that will put your mind at rest hun.


18-06-10, 09:36
the feeling your getting ias caused by adrnelin,,,it happens when we have anxiety,,its awful but dont worry ,,its a symtom lhun

18-06-10, 10:00
:hugs:hi nat,please take on board our reasurance hun,its hard to be convinced when our anxiety is at a high,our minds run away with us and make us belive we have some sort of terminal illness,i have many days were i think iv got heart desease of some kind,thats my fear,but we have to put into prespective and keep saying,im going to be ok,theres nothing wrong with me,its yust my anxiety playing up,and im yust having a phobia day,as mentioned, maybe a little chat with your gp will ease your mind,tell him or her whats bothering you, unburden yourself,try to ease up hun,i hope you start to feel better as the day gose on.:hugs:.ellen.xxxxxx

Natalie x
18-06-10, 12:25
Thank you for your replies. I'm still feeling dizzy and sick. Do you think that this will be related to my headaches earlier throughout the week? I'm so scared it's a brain tumor! Please reply!

18-06-10, 12:38
I have had all you described as anxiety symptoms.
I do know that the median age for brain tumor is 55 and that they are rather rare so it seems extremely unlikely you would have a brain tumor.
Please try to redirect your thoughts because I know, from experience, that it is so easy to let our fears run wild. If I had every illness that I convinced myself at one point or another I was suffering from, I'd have died several times over by now!!

Natalie x
18-06-10, 12:48
Thank you for your reply. I am only 18. Do you think that this is unlikely?

18-06-10, 12:53
Very unlikely!