View Full Version : Feeling "fluey" possibly anxiety?

18-06-10, 11:00
Hi, anyone ever get flu like symptoms due to anxiety?

My skin feels sore to touch and i ache in silly places, and feel weak and tired, like you do when you have flu but i dont feel like i have got flu if that makes sense?

Also, although i do have anxieties and worries, is it possible to get symptoms, any symptoms i mean, when you arent particularly anxious that particular day? Sometimes i feel ill, aches pains, dizzyness, or different symptoms but im not particularly anxious that day. Do you have to "be" anxious to get the symptoms? Or is anxiety always in the background even on the days you feel you arent worrying too much?

sarah x

18-06-10, 11:08
Hi yes I get this all the time, all the symptoms of the flu but without actually having the flu, its part of anxiety.
Even when im not feeling anxious I still get the symptoms.

Sometimes its lasts a few days sometimes a week. I just try and get plenty of rest.

18-06-10, 11:15
Hi Sjr,
You probably don't have to be feeling that anxious to have some sort of symptom, the anxiety often tries to focus your mind on something that you feel is affecting you and make you anxious about it, that's the vicious cycle with all this. It's like some sort of creature that we carry about and it tries whatever it can to keep a hold on us.

When you're anxious your adrenaline levels increase, this can be fatiguing on your system and maybe leave you open to things like catching a cold, or just feel run down like when you have the flu. I've been pretty tense this past few days and I'm feeling run down and achey a bit today, but I know it's due to me being so tense and a bit anxious. All that adrenaline isn't good for your body for extended periods of time, it's normally just a short term measure your body uses to help you react to stressful situations, then it subsides to normal levels that your body deals with on a daily basis.

It's most likely that you're just feeling run down and fatigued from the stress your body has been under with the increased adrenaline, so just try to keep yourself relaxed if you can, take a bit of a stroll to get some fresh air even if you feel a bit tired, which I did last night, and make sure you eat and drink like you would with a bout of the flu to help your system get back to normal.

I like a drop of camomile tea to help me relax, or a banana. Try one of those and get yourself well. A good nights sleep can help a lot too.

Better days Sjr :)


18-06-10, 14:30
thanks very much for your replies. Its such a vicious circle. Which doesnt help. I alway seem to have something to worry about and i suppose even if you arent worrying about it on one given day it is still in there somewhere lurking.

sarah x

22-06-10, 20:12
Still feeling the same, if it was flu surely it would of gone by now? It has been a week ....

sarah x

23-06-10, 19:35
its defo stress/anxiety sarah, are you currently taking any medication for it?

23-06-10, 20:52
no, im not. I have seen my doctor and they have referred me for cbt. I got a call from them at the clinic but i couldnt make the appointment, nor could i for the following week. they said if i couldnt make it in those two weeks that they offered, that they would have to take me off the list and i would have to be re referred by the doctor. How stupid is that, they wouldnt look any further than those two weeks.

I struggle with child care and would find it hard to make regular appointments anyway. I was hoping doctors may try me on some mild medication in a way, but in another way i dont really want to take anything. But if this is anxiety, its bloody powerful to be making me feel so shit. It really does feel fluey, but i have no sore throat etc. Just the sore skin feeling, aches, pains, woozy feeling, weakness, tiredness.

thanks for replying to me, its a worry x

sarah x

24-06-10, 09:31
I get this a lot! It happens a few times a week and can last a day or anything up to a week or two.
I wake up with a sore throat, tired, dry burning eyes, aching muscles and joints. Convinced Im coming down with a cold, then nothing. I dont really worry about it anymore, I think its just my body being run down from all the stress I put it under.

24-06-10, 17:50
thanks vixxy that is really reassuring to me. I have wondered though because today i felt like it was shifting so i thought well it was obviously flu and its now going. but now i feel rough again so i am wondering if it could be anxiety. but i am not particularly anxious today?

Does you skin feels sort of sore and sensitive when you get like this? and do you feel weak and tired? my legs feel so week and achey. my lower back hurts too. also i feel like ive got the start of a water infection. i have had my urine checked at doctors but all is ok.

sarah x

25-06-10, 09:29
I get it when im not feeling anxious. Just when Ive been through a period of stress, which doesnt even have to be bad. I think its something that builds up after youve been anxious. For example you can be anxious on monday to tuesday then wake up on thursday feeling like youve got a cold starting.
I tend to get the tired legs and my hips really ache. I get the horrid feelings like im getting a bladder infection a lot! 5+ times a month! Luckily Ive not had one in months, but still get the horrid burning feeling like im about to.
As for the skin feeling sore, I cant say ive identified that symptom. Ill look out for it next time i feel like this.
The whole thing just makes me want to stay in bed and rest til it passes.

25-06-10, 12:19
Vixxy, thanks so much for replying. i get the hips too. Also when i felt really bad i was weeing alot. It didnt sting when i was going to loo but just felt a bit achey as if i was getting an infection. (sorry if tmi!)

So, i suppose i have to try and say to myself "this is anxiety" and try not to worry?

It feels so fluey and bug like, but not if you know what i mean. Its so hard to think anxiety could do this.

Thanks for explaining about it not necessarily being at an anxious time when you get symptoms. I have had an anxious time, worrying about my sons health! It was a few days prior to feeling ill.

I also have m.e (which i am questioning, due to amount of symptoms that are like anxiety), i did alot of walking prior to feeling ill, maybe a week before and im thinking have i done too much and the m.e is kicking in. But there has never been a pattern of that before with the "m.e" if i have done too much. If you do too much having anxiety does it affect you?

Its complicated cos part of me wants to believe i havent got m.e and all this is anxiety. i wish there was a test!

keep in touch vixxy you really have helped me x


25-06-10, 19:58
Hi, my dad was diagnosed with ME and he suffers with depression too, so i understand. I went through a phase thinking I might have it, but it turned out it was the anti depressants I was on at the time making me exhuasted.
Worrying about your son will probably have started off the chain reaction. Maybe its because when were anxious our body uses up more of its vitamins etc to survive and the reason we get flu symptoms is because its feeling run down. After all the flu symptoms we get when we are ill is because our body is working itself hard trying to fix the bug.

If I push myself through an anxious situation I do get tired and lethargic. Like today I went to Tescos in my car came back and made some muffins and thats left me pooped! Ill probably wake up feeling rough tomorrow, fingers crossed i wont XD

My advice would be to listen to your body. If you push yourself then you'll need time to relax afterwards, so i wouldnt push yourself non stop. Walking is really good for you, so keep it up and dont worry it will do you good and hopefully as you get fitter your body can cope with more and get less flu days.
Send me a pm anytime^^

25-06-10, 21:50
thanks vixxy x