View Full Version : Zig Zag bright lights in vision

18-06-10, 13:37
Does anyone have this now and then ?

Some days i wake up really hot and shakey like today. I eat soon as I can and it tends to ease things. Same thing happened about 11am so I ate a barley sugar which helped for a while.
Around 12.30pm I was preparing lunch and suddenly the left eye had a haze and then the bright zig zags appeared for about 10 mins. I dont get migraine. It really upsets me though.Any ideas ?

18-06-10, 14:46

Are you sure you don't get migraine? It might be worth asking your GP to check you out for it, as zig-zag lights in your vision are a classic symptom of migraine with aura. Sufferers don't necessarily get a headache afterwards, but do most of the time.

I've had suffered from migraine with aura since I was a child, and unfortunately it runs in families (my mother and grandmother both had them as well). There are all sorts of triggers for migraine, from thunderstorms (yes, really!) to food intolerances, and dehydration.

Hope this helps.

Kerry B
18-06-10, 22:27
I have zig zag when I'm a sleep in the night but wake up all of a sudden and I am still half a sleep this really worries me, I never suffer with any headache afterwards any ideas? x

18-06-10, 22:58
What your having is called an aura. Type it in on google. Its a migraine sweet nothing else. Just because you dont feel the headache afterwards doesnt mean its not a migraine. Type it in hun x

18-06-10, 23:28
um you can get the AURA part of the migraine without the pain.
I get them all the time.
you hit the nail on the head with that zigzag pattern, awful isn't it.
try taking FEVERFEW , Boots sell them, its a herbal tablet but they have it under a brand name, sounds like migrafew I think. but they really help in preventing migraines.

19-06-10, 00:04
Wow, this totally explains an experience I once had in a supermarket. Suddenly everything went like that cartoon Rhubarb & Custard, with zig zags in my left field of vision. I felt slightly nauseous too and the shelves looked to me as if they were vibrating but I felt no headache pain. It really freaked me out! My mum reckoned it was a hormonal headache but from what you say here it was a migraine.

I had a migraine only once before when I was about 14 and could only see half of everything. That was wierd but I had a massive headache with that one, felt sick and had to go to bed in total darkness.

Thanks for posting this zee 'cos I'll know what it is now if this ever happens again.

19-06-10, 10:12
I remembered that when I was about 25 I had the zig zag pattern while at work. I'd forgotten all about that !!.. I recall that I saw GP and he said it was silent migraine which people on here have mentioned.
I have never had the pain type migraine just sinus type.. Also | did a naughty little google and these patterns can also be seen with anxiety and also when moving from bright light to shadow on occassions.

19-06-10, 10:49
Being a long time migraine sufferer you are describing a classic migraine aura. You can get this with or without pain.

Migraine can start at any age and effects both male and female, most people find they have a close family member that has this, mother, grandfather?

They are not to be confused with a headache as many people do, the pain from a full blown migraine is nothing like a normal headache, it is the pain to end all pain. It is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting and you are often left bed bound until it passes. Auras are a common warning sign of the pain to come, but some people get one or the other not always both, neck stiffness can often be a pre pain warning, I have this now!

Anxiety and some foods can be one of the many triggers,
