View Full Version : Got through the holiday now have a festival to worry about!

18-06-10, 15:41
Some people may have seen the other day that I posted saying that I was scared of flying and didn't want to go away for that reason. Well I did it! Felt really sick and was in tears at take off and landing on the way there and back but still did it! And had a lovely holiday with my boyfriend.

I am going to Glastonbury Festival on Wednesday. I am now starting to get worried about this.

No washing or hair washing for 4 nights. And this means I'll start getting worried about my apperance which makes me self concious and anxious/depressed.
Then there's the sleeping issue, I know I won't be able to sleep in a tent, crammed in with my boyfriend and with all that noise/light going on...I'm also scared of someone getting into the tent (slight paranoia) and my anxiety always gets worse when ive had little to no sleep.

Has anyone got any tips? I also don't want to drink much but obviously as its a festival with my friends then I'm gonna have to.

I don't really want to go and i'm having the familiar anxiety feeling/ trapped breath, panic attack like symptoms. I know it sounds so silly

18-06-10, 15:45
You arnt alone, i have a festival coming up soon and with my anxiety i dont know if ill cope! I think the only advice i can give you and myself is just try to enjoy it, usually in these situations I and probably most anxiety sufferers are full of worry before the event and just dont want to go, but when they're there they realise that there wasnt too much to worry about because you're having a great time.

18-06-10, 16:00
oh wow, well done for flying! seriously, a big well done for that and for enjoying the hols, you should be proud that you did it even though you didnt think you would! I dont think I will ever be able to fly, I wouldnt even consider the prospect!

As for going to glasto, Im sure it just the anticipation anxiety again. Your thinking of all the things that will make you anxious, when infact you should be thinking about all the things you will enjoy about it, easier said than done I know! But try to have some confidence in yourself and believe that you will enjoy it. I wouldnt start worrying about your appearance that much as everyone will be in the same boat as you. Take plenty of baby wipes with you and some dry shampoo, oh and some earplugs might help if you want to sleep! Have fun, Im sure you will x

18-06-10, 16:11

Well done for the flying, I dont really like the taking off and the landing, cos I feel the blood rushing to my head and feel really sick and dizzy too. Im sure you have managed the flying and you are fine. The festival you will be fine, everyone willl be looking the same with the appearance im sure, like another person said take some wipes and dryshampoo. Can't you get a bigger tent, if possible and make sure your bf dont let anyone in. If you are worried about drinking too much, why dont you have an alcoholic drink and then the next drink a soft drink or something, like alternate drinks. And please try and enjoy yourself, hun.

Cheers, xx.

18-06-10, 21:36
Hey there, you're not the only one going to Glaso with super anxiousness!
I'm going Weds too and only been taking citolopram for 10 days or so for anxiety.
Worried about the alcohol too, hope it helps knowing it's not just you...
Feel free to share any tips or worries - I'll more likely have them too!

18-06-10, 22:15
Hey there, you're not the only one going to Glaso with super anxiousness!
I'm going Weds too and only been taking citolopram for 10 days or so for anxiety.
Worried about the alcohol too, hope it helps knowing it's not just you...
Feel free to share any tips or worries - I'll more likely have them too!

Oh glad to know someone else is in the same situation!

I'm worried about all the things above.

What kind of things are you worried about? and who are you going with?

19-06-10, 10:35
I'm glad I'm not the only one too. So much for hedonism eh...!
I'm going with my husband and 2 young sons, 1st time too!

Guess I worried about forgetting important things, my sons being ill as young children do, not getting into the spirit of it all because I'm not going to be able to drink much - I like a few drinks and these meds dampening down the fun and excitement I should be experiencing.

We camp a lot so that doesn't worry me, I find camping theraputic in itself, but of course I've never gone days without a shower, think I'll be trying to get at least one in when everyone else is down the pyramid stage and we're getting our boys to sleep...???

But good news chuck - looks like the weather is going to good at at least up to the weekend - that'll help a lot won't it.

21-06-10, 18:09
I'm off to Glasto tomorrow and the anxiety is building up in my mind.

I am most worried about somebody using a kinfe in the night to open up our tent and steal out stuff or somebody just unzipping it and doing the same.

I am also worried about carrying it all for two miles from the entrance to wherever we end up pitching. I have already tried on my rucksack and its very painful. I already have back and neck pain due to bad posture so this is just making it worse. Worried I'm gonna end up with ligament damage or end up in A&E on my first night...somebody help put my mind at rest :(

21-06-10, 19:09
Hey chuck,
Just tried to send you a PM (I'm the other Glasto goer)! but your inbox has exceeded it's limit, so yo'll have to delete something so I can send your message. X

21-06-10, 21:35
Hey chuck,
Just tried to send you a PM (I'm the other Glasto goer)! but your inbox has exceeded it's limit, so yo'll have to delete something so I can send your message. X

Ok i'm just doing that now x