View Full Version : One sided headaches/neck pain?

18-06-10, 16:28
Hi all, I've been having a headache on the right side of my head for about 3 months now. I do have a wisdom tooth coming in on that side, along with inflamed sinuses on that side. I have taken these into consideration, but they don't seem to be what's causing the headache (though I'm not a Doctor, so of course I wouldn't know for sure.) Over those 3 months, it has varied in location, but it originated on the top right side, just above my hairline. I have taken 3 rounds of antibiotics, and while I was taking the antibiotics, the headaches seemed to subside, but would always return afterward. I recently had a CT scan of my sinuses, and on the right side, there looked to be a small mass in my nasal passage. I have seen 2 doctors, my family doctor seems to think it's the wisdom tooth, and my ENT doc thinks it may be the sinuses. Now it's my temple, and the back of my head that hurts still on the right side. The headaches have never been severe or sharp, but a dull irritating pain. In the last few days, the headaches have been accompanied by soreness in my neck and shoulder blade (still on the right side only.) I have had no other symptoms out of the ordinary other than the headache and sore neck/shoulders.

The thing that most concerns me is the fact that it is on the right side only, and I've been worrying myself sick over whether it could be a brain tumor or something else serious. I'm a 16 year old female with no previous health issues other than horrid acid reflux.

Any ideas?

18-06-10, 18:14
I've had neck and right side head pain. My osteopath said the headache was probably referred pain from my neck (where you get pain in a different place to the actual problem area). He manipulated my neck, which helped the headaches somewhat.

However, I then discovered that drinking soft drinks with aspartame (artificial sweetner) in were giving me the right side headache. It was almost a migraine. I only discovered it when I didn't drink my usual soft drink for a week and had no headache at all. Aspartame is well known for causing headaches, apparently, so my GP says. Maybe check to see whether you are ingesting it - it is in some chewable vitamin pills and things like Gaviscon, as well as most squashes and diet soft drinks.

HTH and you find the answer.


18-06-10, 19:57
I get headaches just on the right side, on top around the crown area. They hurt mainly when I move, like there is a brick rattling around as I walk. My GP said it is probably tension.

18-06-10, 21:00
I get headaches on either side of my head and they are related to my stiff neck. I get my neck worked on every other week so try not to pay attention to the headaches. But I know it's related to my neck.

19-06-10, 13:54

I have daily headaches with weekly migraines. The pain always starts in my neck and follows through to my temple, and above my eye. It is normally on my RH side. I am no expert but I believe most head pain triggers off the same nerves, neck, scalp etc. Stress, can be a trigger for all types of head pain.

The golden rule with head pain, if it is new and last for more than a few days and does not respond to ONC meds then see a doctor.

I think the chances are that it is nothing sinister.

Ask for an MRI if you are not happy, CT scans are not helpful, I found this out when a CT scan came back as normal only for an abnormality to be found on my brain stem when I had an MRI, yet they say (drs) this is not the cause of my daily headaches?


14-05-19, 16:18
I have these symptoms as well. Only on my right side. It is very distressing and it's been intermittently going on for over 6 months. :(

14-05-19, 20:59
One-sided headaches are often migraines. I get left side migraines as a result of dental work/TMJ. There's a very, very good possibility that your wisdom tooth coming in is causing this. My headaches, since they are caused by TMJ, result from muscles tension caused by clenching my teeth/grinding. I can feel the pain down my neck and sometimes it goes as far down as my shoulder or even my back. It's amazing how much pain a tiny alteration in your mouth can cause. Sometimes putting ice or heat around the back of my neck can help and being very conscious of if/when I clench my jaw (which I also do when my anxiety is high).