View Full Version : Watery discharge, really worried:-(

18-06-10, 17:41
Sorry to be graphic, but I am after some advice/reassurance.
I just had my pill free week, due to re take it again tomorrow. I had bleeding from Sunday night until Wednesday, nothing really yesterday other than abit of brown sticky stuff, and even then it wasn't anything, and nothing all day until 3ish this afternoon when I felt abit damp. I went to check myself and wiped and I had abit of light brown discharge. I then walked back downstairs into the living room and felt a slight 'gush' I then panicked (as it reminds of the heavy gushing periods i had) thinking I was bleeding so went upstairs and wiped with the tissue and I had a large smear of water which was like yellowy/clear, it wasn't wee, it was from the same place the period comes from;-) and within that i had a small amount of clear/brown sticky discharge.

I am worried as to why I am having the fluid? could that just be normal vaginal fluid/discharge?

I am worried it could be infection or something, but hubby tried to remind me that my period before i started the pill ended the same, where I had nothing for 24 hours thenI was gushing some yellow/orange watery fluid and they swabbed me, I was fine. Just the other day when i had some brown discharge during my 'period' I thought it smelt abit the few times I had it, but then ive had nothing since. Hubby said i was probably imaginging it but it def did smell abit, but I had to go right up to it (sorry tmi). This tonight hasn't smelt at all!

Sorry to ramble on, but it has set my anxiety off and I am worried it means I have an infection or something. Just sat with hubby and he said I won't bleed, it's just the end of my period and it would continue to come out of me and smell, not stop for 24 hours then come back and not smell if it were an infection. I hope he is right:-(

Does anyone get this watery discharge? or any words of wisdom to stop myself worrying:-( I feel so silly, I'd had such a good week and I felt so relaxed, was proud of how I coped with it and thought I was getting there:-(

18-06-10, 17:50
Ill pm you shortl. Didn't want to read and run xx

18-06-10, 17:57
Thanks xxx

18-06-10, 18:12
Thanks Dahlia.

I have had this water discharge in the past at the end of normal periods, this is only my 3rd cycle on the pill, and only my 2nd period as i carried 2 packs together on advice of GP.

I am abit worried as it smelt the other day, but it doesnt now so surely i shouldnt worry?

Personal Q but have you ever had water discharge? itw as just like water.

18-06-10, 18:25
Yes it feels like you have but it has come out of the other 'bit' haha!

This smell i had was when the discharge was brown, kind of at the end of my bleed?after it had been red for 2 days. I put it down to it being hot and sweaty, it has been warm here since Wednesday. It does't smell now so surely nothing like an infection?

Thanks so much for replying xxx

18-06-10, 18:29
Thanks Dahlia x