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View Full Version : Arm Still Hurts After Blood Drawn

18-06-10, 20:55
I had blood drawn two days ago (to measure my cholesterol) and my whole arm is still sore, from my shoulder to my hand. The soreness started a few hours after I had the blood drawn. I've had this done a number of times before and never had any discomfort.

Should I be worried about some kind of damage or infection? The scab itself seems otherwise normal and slightly bruised. I have a very low-grade fever but that might be because it's the end of the day and I'm overtired. Nevertheless, I can't stop worried about my painful arm. :(

19-06-10, 02:49
It may just be that you've over-worked your arm too quickly. It always happens to me because I get my blood tests done then go out or go to work and use my arm a lot. :)

19-06-10, 03:54
ring your doctor up and ask them!
I've never had my arm be sore either after having blood drawn, but I have often heard of people saying that after an injection their whole arm hurts after for a few days.
infection I'd say no, they sterilize the area and use a brand new needle which is unwrapped just before use.
she might have just put the needle in a bit funny and hit a nerve :-)

19-06-10, 03:59
I looked it up for you :-)
well It seems it is perfectly normal according to people who say they are regular blood donors.
some said the pain was pretty bad for a few days, others say their arm was numb.
but they are all ok , so nothing to worried about :-)
hope this helped x

19-06-10, 19:02
You might find in a day or so you get one huge bruise on your arm - bruising hurts like heck before it comes out and i have in the past had it take up to 4 days after blood draw for the bruise to show itself - I now know that if my arm hurts alot and is sore to touch then I will get a big bruise and just wait for it. I also tend to hold my arm completely rigid during a blood test as I am terrified and trying not to faint and that makes my whole arm ache horribly for at least a day afterwards.

19-06-10, 19:13
Hey BK,

I had blood drawn to and for the first time ever it was excruciating!! It was mega painful for a past couples of days too and i'm still getting the odd pain or two down my arm. I have a mega bruise along with it too.

Just wanted to say that it probably hurts cause nurse may have been a bit rough - I know mine certainly was!

Keep an eye on it if you wish. It'll heal up before you know it.

Take care,

Chrissy xxx

19-06-10, 19:28
dont worry about a painful arm it WILL get better

20-06-10, 12:02
Thanks so much for all your replies, esp. Mishel who looked it up for me - really sweet of you. I do have a really big bruise which has turned yellow-brown but the aches are still there through my arm from my fingertips to my shoulderblade. Not all the time but periodically. I just hope they get better because they are driving me crazy. the bruise is obviously healing faster than the pain....