View Full Version : Please help! Googled symptoms and scared!

Natalie x
19-06-10, 11:52
Hi. Please help! I know that I shouldn't have, but I google anneyursm's symptoms and now I'm going out of my mind with worry. I totally worry about anything to do with my head and I had a headache for a few days last week. My right temple is tender to touch and my right eye feels weak and tight. I'm really scared that I have an anneyursm and it just pops. I wear glasses as I'm short sighted in my right eye. I don't wear them as often as I should, however I had them on all day yesterday. I'm thinking that because of the weird feeling in my eye it is maybe sown to my eye feeling weak because I haven't had my glasses on since yesterday afternoon. I also had some weird vibration sensations through my head yesterday. Has anyone ever had this and does any one think that I'm worrying over nothing? Please reply. I need some re-assurance. I don't want to go out anywhere today because I'm just too scared.

19-06-10, 12:14
Hello there, Natalie :)
I really believe that you're worrying over nothing, hon! I remember I used to have this feeling of something vibrating in my head, and I thought the same thing as you're thinking now :weep: But I believe it's just an anxiety symptom, many people seem to have this as well :D And maybe your right eye is just tired for trying too hard to see, so maybe if you use your glasses more often, those awful symptoms will dissapear! :yesyes:

So try not to worry, ok? Everything is going to be alright. :hugs:

19-06-10, 13:38
Hi Natalie,

The kindest thing you can do for yourself is to never Google your symptoms again. The only place for medical information is your doctor!

Your temples become tender during periods of stress due to muscular fatigue, nothing more sinister. It happens to everyone, hence why you see frustrated people often pressing fingers into their temples and rolling them to relieve the tension.

If your right eye is working harder it will fatigue, resulting in strain and some unusual sensations. Most importantly a great deal of information about balance and spatial orientation comes from your eyes, so if they are working harder, working unequally or not getting the assistance they are used to from your glasses you may feel dizzy, light-headed or disorientated. If you are anxious this will exacerbate these sensations, and cause you to fixate on them and exaggerate their meaning.

Sensations like vibrations or spasms are more than likely due to strain from tension and your tired eyes. Anxiety can create the most amazing array of symptoms! Muscular fatigue in your head from nervous tension is very common, when I am stressed my temples pulsate and I can get complete facial spasms that make it hard to talk!

The most important thing to remember is that neither you nor Google are remotely qualified to determine the cause or treatment of your symptoms. Regardless of the information available on the Internet, very few of us are qualified to interpret it! If you are concerned, discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Health anxiety, as you can see from this site, is very common. If it starts to inhibit how you go about your daily life, such as not leaving the house, you should feel very comfortable speaking to a psychologist. That's what they're there for!

19-06-10, 18:18
Do not google!