View Full Version : family history of heart disease

19-06-10, 12:51
Hi my health anxiety is caused by really strong family history of heart disease..just wonder if anyone else is in the same boat as me?.Im currently suffering from panic attacks convinced im dying but the doctors dont take me seriously!!!.

19-06-10, 13:54
I haven't got a family history of heart disease but I know how hard it is to go through health anxiety where the heart is concerned as some of the main symptoms of panic attacks affect the heart (Palpitation, ectopics etc...)

I was speaking to a doctor once who had a strong history of heart disease in his family, he lost his father at a very young age, yet he explained to me that just because his dad died young and other members of his family that it doesn't mean that he will, he looks after himself and has regular check ups, something that they didn't do.

Just because you have it in your family doesn't mean that you'll get it too. Just take good care of yourself, eat right, exercise and have a check up every now and then. :)
Try not to stress about it too much.

I know how scary panic attacks are, I've had them for the past 10 months and still eveytime I get one I think that I'm going to die. The trick is accepting that it is just a panic attack and it won't hurt you, reasurring yourself that you'll be fine and controlling your breathing, which is something that I'm trying to learn how to do.

Hope I've helped in some way. :)

19-06-10, 15:53
Hi ella jayne thanks for your reply,i do keep trying to tell myself that but all my mums uncles died at young ages my uncle died to,my mums had two heart attacks then i think what really sent me off on one is both my brothers have had heart attacks to.my eldest brother was 43 my other brother was 39.just leaves me now.I feel like im a ticking time bomb.the doctor has put me on statins because my cholestral was 6.7 thats down to 4.8 now.Ive just got to this point where nothing seems worth it.sorry im rambling on.

20-06-10, 11:34
am i the only one on here with a family history of heart disease?????.

20-06-10, 15:24
I have a family history and had a heart attack in Sept 08.

It is a worry but like a previous poster said there is a lot you can do to protect yourself and my mum is 70 and fit and well so it does show that heart disease can be prevented/treated.

Have you discussed these worries with your doc at all and have they said they will keep a closer eye on you and your heart?

20-06-10, 18:07
I have a family history of heart disease and worry about my heart. Had my cholesterol checked and it was 5.1 which i thought was high but dr said was ok and that my bad cholesterol level was low and good cholesterol was at a good level but still decided to watch what i eat and try and exercise more to lower it. Im absolutly convinced that i have some kind of problem with my heart either blocked arteries or some problem i have had from birth that hasnt been detected. Absolutly drives me insane as deep down i know im ok but i let it take over my life sometimes :mad:

20-06-10, 20:01
I have discussed it with my doctor but they just say well your on statins and your blood pressures fine,but i am on beta blockers for anxiety so i think if i wasnt would my blood pressure be high??..they not really intrested said theres nomore they can do.
Hi mary thanks for your reply to,i just cant seem to think about anything else apart from my heart.How old are you guys?im 32..

21-06-10, 20:20
Im 29, very nearly 30!! I think that you should see another GP and try and get a referal to a cardiologist. Not because i think there is something wrong but because they may be able to run more tests and therefore give you better reasurrances, im sure that with all your family history a cardiologist would understand your need for advice and reasurrance.

22-06-10, 12:01
hi mary i have seen a couple of other doctors all in the same surgery though,they just seem to put everything down to anxiety and tell me theres noone in this world who can say whether il have a heart attack just to enjoy life while i can.Even my therapist makes a joke of it and says il see you in 2 weeks thats if you havent had a heart attack!! glad he can laugh.

22-06-10, 14:05
hiya ,,ive a very strong family history of heart disease in my family,,i lost uncles in their thirtys,,all my siblings bar one have heart disease ,, mum has heart disease ,,dad died of it,,but i try to remain positive,,i have angina,,high bp and numerous other things and yes i do worry,,but i try to stay calm as it only agrevates my conditions,,i do know what you mean about the doctors putting everything down to nerves though as mine did for years ,,i finally got them to listen now,,and the new doctor i have is very good,,even when shes nagging me to lose weight :roflmao:

22-06-10, 14:35
Hi teez thank you for your reply,you sound like a really positive person how did you manage to get to the point you are now where you can look at it positively?.how old are you if you dont mind me asking?

22-06-10, 15:22
Even my therapist makes a joke of it and says il see you in 2 weeks thats if you havent had a heart attack!! glad he can laugh.

sorry to go off subject slightly but that seems like a pretty awul thing for a therapist to say to a patient...id complain

22-06-10, 16:39
Hi teez thank you for your reply,you sound like a really positive person how did you manage to get to the point you are now where you can look at it positively?.how old are you if you dont mind me asking?
no problems,,im not really positive id say ,,but its something ive learnt to live with over the years,,when i first had problems it drove me to distraction,,just making it far worse,,then as i grew older,i realised my dad lived to be eighty with heart problems ,,mums soon to be 81 and dispite im over weight ,,i try really hard to eat well and keep moving,,and im 47 now,,i think if i do all i can and get help when ive a problem,,ive as much chance as the next person of seeing old age:D

23-06-10, 19:17
thank you thats has lifted me a bit.i smoke but im trying really hard to stop but the more stressed i get the worse it is.