View Full Version : Deep depression

19-06-10, 15:00
Over the last week I feel like I've sank into a deep depression. I can barely muster the willpower or motivation to get out of bed. I'm feeling totally hopeless and like there is no way I can get better. Of course the anxiety is lurking around rearing it's ugly head and I've got 0 appetite with my anxiety not helping at all. I'm just lying here staring at the ceiling not seeing any light at the end of this tunnel.
Has anyone else felt like this and come out of it? I'm currently on 40mg fluxotine which was upped to 40mg about a month ago. Don't feel any improvement so not sure whether a switch would help me come out of this black hole. Any thoughts/feedback would be greatly appreciated.

19-06-10, 15:06
i offten have persiods of dark depprestion woundering whats th epoin tin takingmy next breath u will com eout of it an dthings wil get better try doing alittle somthing each day that makes you smile listen toa song wach a film buy yr self something anything that will take yr mind of the overwhelming thorts and feelings that are taking controll try talking to some one everyday go for a walk imnot good at giving advice but i do hope yr ok

hopers xx

19-06-10, 16:09
A lot of the time I'm the same, without reason, well... my reason is the anxiety but to me that's stupid... If I get depressed over anxiety I'm letting it win but sometimes it's just too hard to beat. I get week long episodes of depression and high anxiety, I too just sit in bed all the time, watch the same things over and over and hardly eat from lack of appetite.

19-06-10, 16:21
Yep it's hellish and I'm in the middle of one now. I think the depression comes as a result of the anxiety but it's hard to say for certain as I'm constantly questioning what is up with me. I don't know what to do at the moment trying to get myself out of bed and doing something but seems so hard. All I'm thinking about is how depressed I'm feeling (for no good reason either).

19-06-10, 16:33
It's horrible to feel like that. During the past couple of weeks I've found myself gazing at animated ads on my computer or suddenly wanting to lie down. It makes me feel really lazy but with me I don't get loss of appetite. Instead I'm constantly thinking what I can have. At the moment it swings between sweet and savoury. Current passion for meringue nests and goo (like Eaton mess) or at the other end spicy noodles and gherkins. And no, I'm not pregnant! Just very very down. I'm amazed with how long I can sit doing nothing but not feel bored. It's almost like being in a daze. I used to have a different view of depression and think that I could just snap myself out of it. Sometimes I have been able to, but on those occasions I've been mildly depressed due to external factors and once things have changed, I usually feel okay again. It might be similar this time except that I feel so lethargic it's almost as if I can't be bothered to get well. It's terrible. All I can say is that I do understand and whilst I'm not in bed at the moment, I have been there and lost whole days. Even worse when the sun is shining and you feel you should be out there enjoying it.

19-06-10, 16:53

yep in the same place today, anxiety yesterday, after a good day on thursday, and depression today, i def think it has been brought on through the bad day i had yesterday, i am up and about (have to with two kids lol) but feel like i am just going through the motions. I think i am down because i have been well for 5 years and then had a panic attack which then brought on the dreaded anxiety that it had all come back. We will ALL feel better soon, because i have in the past, just takes the dreaded time. Lynne x

19-06-10, 18:36
Hi - I have suffered from downers for what seems like forever. At the time when you're in it you feel like you're never gonna get out of it, but you will. I find that I get really down for a couple of days every month and have decided it must be a hormonal thing. I know it sounds hard but if you can manage to do anything, like going for quick walk or doing bit of housework it can help - but if you feel really crap, just stay put and ride it out - it will pass. Avoidance of doing things can make everything worse so sometimes I have to FORCE myself to walk to shop or clean up -but once I done it I always feel better. If all else fails, I usually have to go to sleep to escape from reality. This can help, but again you can get into a trap of sleeping all the time - a problem I had for a whole year - it was really tough. Just remember, other people are feeling like you do too - I hope you get through this soon x

19-06-10, 19:15
Thanks all for your kind words, why is it that something small like walking to the shop or even getting out bed and making myself some soup can become such a massive task. If I leapt back a couple of months I'd up and about enjoying life and getting on with things. Now I can barely motivate myself to switch on the tv. And forget about playing a computer game or doing anything else I enjoy.
I feel guilty putting this on my mom, she doesn't need me wallowing around not able to do anything. I don't want her to worry about me.
I have a good set of friends too which makes it even harder to fathom why I feel this way.

19-06-10, 19:57
Jebdog depression is an illness like any other illness. Did you get anywhere finding yourself a psychiatrist? It does help if you can get out of bed and shower. At least then you will have achieved something. I have suffered the very deepest darkest moods and have come through them. I suggest that you do 'mind gym' to be found on the net. That way you can chart your moods until your next doctors appointment. After reading this post of yours I strongly feel that you would benefit from seeing a psychiatrist. Take care EJ.

19-06-10, 20:54
Considering your meds were increased a month ago ,its possible they are not fully effective yet .Sometimes an increase can make you feel lethaRgic and tired for a while .I would definately say "go see your Dr and discuss your medication with him ".If he feels you need a psychiatrist he will refer you .Or he may say give it a few weeks longer and see how you are when you have been on your increase for 8weeks ..It is important to get into a daily routine no matter how hard it feels .Getting up and showered will make you feel better each day .Laying around is the worst thing you could do .Its a slippery slope and just doing a few things each day will give you a sense of acheivement .Lots of people dont get offered Psychiatrists .,and the only person they regularly see is their Gp .So it is important to be honest and tell him everything about how you are feeling .Ask for CBT AND COUNCELLING ,But there again its usually a long wait .The Nhs hasnt got the funds to give everyone what would help them get better quicker .There are CBT courses on line you can do ,and mind gym as E,J says is another self help tool .If you dont feel better in another month I would talk to your Dr again about changing medication ,or alternatively taking something alongside your current med to help .I do hope you start to come out of this black hole soon ,and get the help you deserve .Take care :hugs:Sue