View Full Version : Little things set me back

19-06-10, 16:02
I make plans with people, I think it all through, I have to... thinking of my escapes, where's the best place to cool down, will I be able to get a drink if I need one? Some food? Just thoughts like that, I can deal with that though but what it is that really sets me back is when plans don't happen, I build myself up to be able to go out somewhere with someone and five minutes before I get let down, most of the time it's not the other persons fault but it just makes me feel like people don't understand how much things like that affect me, how much effort it takes for me to be able to do the things I do and how me not doing it just sets me back, I just end up getting into bed which isn't good as I spend 50% of days in my bed, 10% walking on the field and the other 40% locked in my room.

Veronica H
19-06-10, 16:18
'Comtemplation is the killer' as the great Dr Claire Weekes says. This is an illness of how we think. Constant monitoring of every aspect of ourselves and the 'what ifs' mean we are never living in the moment. This is the key to recovery. No more looking back or forward but small daily steps and achievements.:bighug1:We can not control other people's behaviour only our own.:flowers:


19-06-10, 16:27
Thank you :)
I think a lot of my anxiety stems from being scared of having a lack of control.

19-06-10, 16:46

i know exactly where u are coming from, I am reading the claire weekes book at the moment, and it all totally makes sense, that is how if feels like you are constantly monitoring yourself, doubling checking how you are feeling, it is so tiring. I have just been out in the garden with the kids, looking at bob the catepillar, i that still didnt take my mind of myself ! lynne x