View Full Version : Worried - mole or small scab

19-06-10, 18:05
Today i noticed a small mark on my chest - i thought it was a small speck of dirt so i picked it off and it started to bleed.
Now im worrying big time that it was a mole, it looks like a small scab and im trying to tell myself that i would not of been able to pick a mole off!
Will go to gp if it doesnt go , but im worrying that it could be skin cancer..

19-06-10, 18:11
its a scab if its a small speck of something u picked it off and bled what do you thing the chances of it being skin cancer are? i havnt seen it but im guessing very low

dont worry too much you wouldnt be able to just pick cancer off so easy!

21-06-10, 21:56
Hi PB,

I really think it was a scab. I am pretty sure you couldn't just pick a mole off. I've heard dodgy moles bleed and bleed too.

Try not to worry. You would have noticed a mole there before now, so it is almost certainly a little scab. Perhaps a bite or something.

If it's not healed in a week or two pop to your GP who will be able to reassure you.