View Full Version : anyone here got 'real' health issues just curious

19-06-10, 19:02
i have crohns and hyperthyroidism

sarah jayne
19-06-10, 19:19
i have fibro, vit d defiency, 3 slipped disks and costachondritis, a life of pain :(

19-06-10, 19:21
sorry to here that sarah jayne cant they operate on the slip disks and have you seen pain mamagment doctors?

sarah jayne
19-06-10, 19:29
ive been to pain management in 2 hospitals, ive tried everything. I had a facet joint injection in my neck and the doctor went to far with it and it went into my spine, i ended up in hospital over a week unable to walk or even open my eyes, it was awful and i dont want to risk anything like that again. I can have an op but theres risks, and everything seems to go wrong with me lol. Ive just been accepted to got to the walton centre in liverpool which is good and they say they can help with the fibro also which is great. Its in liverpool but its run by the nhs and they can pay for you to stop in a hotel if you live far away, apparently people from all over the uk go there, im crossing my fingers it works :)

19-06-10, 19:30
all the best sarah im sure the centre will be helpful

sarah jayne
19-06-10, 19:31
thankyou x

19-06-10, 22:35
I have Crohn's and IBS and heart disease

19-06-10, 22:36
same as Sarah Jayne

19-06-10, 22:40
I have an underactive thyroid and polcystic ovaries

19-06-10, 22:51
I have Diabetes and a heart condition called wolff-parkinson-white syndrome even tho i had op for it i now suffer ectopics and pvc's which is where my severe anxiety is all about:weep:

19-06-10, 22:58
i have ibs, endemotroisis (cant spell) and a worn/diseased disc in my back

19-06-10, 22:59
hypertension.im 37.

19-06-10, 23:29
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

19-06-10, 23:34
I have severe spinal degenerative disease / MS and Prinzmetals angina .......... dont we sound like a load of old fogies ........good luck everyone xxxxxxx

20-06-10, 08:09
I have Ibs and acid reflux , A prolapsed spinal disc, arthritis in my knee ( due to sports injury and op)

20-06-10, 08:54
I've got Polycystic ovaries, pelvic inflammetary disease, tears in my knee cap and cartilidge worn down to minimum too in both knees :(, I'm sure I have ibs just undiasgonsed, chronic back pain-discs wearing out, oh and high risk of premature menopause on last blood test-I'm 29.

20-06-10, 09:37
I have m.e/cfs and tmj.

20-06-10, 10:30
Erm where do I start? From top of head down here goes - congenital severe sight problems /cataracts etc partially sighted - underactive thryroid- prolasped discs in spine at neck and lumbar and neurofibroma on thoracic spine plus degenerative spinal disease or as Dr says back is knackered! - hiatus hernia - ibs- ectopic heartbeats - obesity due to thyroid and spinal pain ( lack of exercise).

Sure I've missed a few. Means like sarah jane I am in constant pain plus neck problem gives me vertigo.

I am sure my constant pain and health problems make my health anxiety so bad as feel so ill all the time.

20-06-10, 13:15
I have pernicious anaemia, acid reflux and ibs.
I have also been told by gp that i probably have fibromyalgia.

20-06-10, 17:20
i have m.e/cfs but battling with the idea that it could be anxiety. Or could be lucky enough to have both! who knows x

sarah x

gina p
20-06-10, 19:40
I have hypthyroidism , anemia , a hitial hernia , piles and a tilted pelvis !! The last 4 due to having a 12lb 6oz baby 9 months ago !! (by c-section:D)

20-06-10, 19:57
I have hypothyroidism. I suspect ive also got anemia from my poor diet over the last few months too.

10-07-11, 19:46
I have graves disease ,probably had since 2007 but only diagnosed april 2010 after several episodes of arterial fibrillation,ectopics and osephagel reflux:sad:Anyone else with graves disease? Its a major cause of anxiety and panic attacks.

10-07-11, 20:01
I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and IBS

Kerri-anne xx

10-07-11, 20:25
TMJD, Rheumatoid Arthritis which was originally diagnosed as fibro and a couple of other bits and pieces

10-07-11, 22:03
Fibromyalgia, TMJ Disorder, IBS, Gastritis, BPD.

11-07-11, 01:14
I have TMJD, IBS, and GERD ... It is no fun at all to deal with multiple symptoms all day, everyday!!! :mad:

11-07-11, 01:48
I have Bell's Palsy
Fluid separation in one eye
Cyst on the association region of my brain
Some bloodwork deficencies.

11-07-11, 04:52
For sure i have borderline diabetes and vit D defitiency. BUT i THINK i have a brain tumor, ms, menires disease, heart problems, leukodystrophies, and other neurological problems.

11-07-11, 10:52
I have IBS and Acid Reflux. I won't list the things I "think" I have as there are so many!!!!:D


11-07-11, 11:05
I have vertigo, IBS and TMJ.

However, in the back of my mind, I think I have a brain tumour, bowel cancer and either ovarian or cervical cancer.

11-07-11, 11:10
i have high bp high cholesterol type 2 diabetis and chronic pelvic pain plus ibs and now being tested for bladder problems

30-11-11, 11:58
I have gastritis, endometriosis, and allergies to medication