View Full Version : The long haul, anxiety and eyes

19-06-10, 19:15
Hi there, Im just checking really to see if any1 else has these symptoms, my dr says it is anxiety but i think i have cancer of the lung and brain, i am 25 years old. It started with my right hand and foot, they were sort of tingling, a weird sensation. Then a few days ago i started getting eye problems, like an eye strain, he said its because i have been anxious for so long and for long periods of time. I have stopped taking my meds because i dont believe its anxiety. How can anxiety cause vision problems and stuff like that?
It all started about 3 months ago, maybe more, when i looked a few symptoms up on google. Now i am addicted and am on it everyday. I dont do the things i used to do. I used to play sports, on my ps3. I havent done both for months, i have a young family and i let my partner know so much but i dont let her see what im doin on the pc, normally wait for her to go to bed. I am at the Dr's all the time and have seen neurologists and all sorts. I just cant get this out of my head that i am dying or going to be dead soon. It makes it worse with these eye symptoms, they are with me most of the day, even at work when i am busy doing something and not being anxious at all and not thinking about anything in particular these eye pains are present, why is this? has any1 else suffrered these with anxiety or any eye problems, PLEASE HELP AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS , THANKYOU.

19-06-10, 19:24
no reassurance is needed the doctor said its fine so it is. tough love!!

19-06-10, 19:39
Your doctor is right x