View Full Version : worrying symptoms

19-06-10, 20:03
for the last 2 weeks ive been generally unwell.
started off with diarreah and digestion problems like heartburn and wind and a sharp feeling in the chest whenever I ate. loss of appetite because of this.
then I experienced some mid cycle bleeding which really worried me beyond belief. it wasnt loads but was noticable on my tissue.
also had some period-like aches.
now I have a lot of bruises,
a lumpy sore throat, with white patches on the back of the throat - and mild discomfort in my lower back & groin area but this is probably down to the stress as ive had this before.

Ive got a doctors appointment booked for monday but Ive convinced myself ive got ovarian cancer and I dont know how im gonna cope until then thinking that.
can anyone set my mind at rest

19-06-10, 20:05
you just think you have ovarian cancer because that is what you are scared of. there are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many reasons for you symptoms and ovarian cancer probably is not even one of them. doctor will help you out

19-06-10, 20:13
bleeding in between can happen dont panic ,white spots and sore throat sounds like tonsilitus you will need a course of antibiotics drink lots of fluids and take nurofen the aches and pains im sure are all due to your anxiety about this ,i know your worrying right now but try to calm take a nice long relaxing bath and listen to some relaxing music xx

19-06-10, 20:17
I agree with summertime. mid cycle bleed is quite common and just hormonal, it will be ok next month. You seem to have tonisilitis and generally all the other aches and pains will be caused through your anxiety. You will have your mind put at rest on Monday.

19-06-10, 20:41
The bleeding sounds like ovulation bleeding-very common and ties in with the pain you experienced. Everything else sounds like general run down viral leading to tonsilitus. Try not to worry and hopefully gp will put your mind at rest xxx Sarah

heather xx
19-06-10, 21:00
i had a complete panic of ovarian cancer which bought me to this site. i went to the doctors and told me it was ovulation pain plain and simple, its funny my last period of pains lasted about 2 weeks this time round a day!! Its suprising how when im told whats wrong with me things almost go back to the norm!!

Listen to what your gp has to say and belive them they do know what they are talking about. Take it easy hun im sure your absoultly fine :)