View Full Version : Should I just do it?

19-06-10, 22:13
I made a post a while ago and got some really positive replies.
A bit of background, I bought a house last year with my new husband, but because of my anxiety I never actually moved in. He lives there, and im stuck at my parents.
I keep waiting until my anxiety is a little better before i move. But is that ever going to happen? Ill always want it to be better than it was before until its gone! So i think im asking for the impossible.

So.. my question is. Should I just pick a day this week and say "F**k it, im moving today" and just do it?
Would love some kind words and motivation because this is going to be hard!

19-06-10, 22:18
you go girl i say wednesday yayyyyyyyy go 4 it you only live once !!!!:yesyes:

19-06-10, 23:03
I say seize the day and go for it ...There will always be reasons not to do things when you suffer with anxiety .Putting things off is just avoidance .This in turn leads to yet more anxiety .Make a decision that this week is the week you change your life for the better .Whats the worst that can happen ? You may as well feel anxious in your new home with your hubby ,than to feel like you do now ,apart from the man you married .My guess is once youve done it you will wonder why it took you so long ,and you will feel so very happy you made that one big decision .Just think of the happy times you will share together and dont look back .Good luck and all the very best in your new home .luv Sue x

19-06-10, 23:39
Howdy :)

I keep waiting until my anxiety is a little better before i move. But is that ever going to happen?

Sorry but aint ever going to happen . Theres a old saying , Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting change is crazy. Fear is in ones head and only built from the way we react to things . By wanting yourself to get better and not willing to force that improvement means that nothing will change.

Should I just pick a day this week and say "F**k it, im moving today" and just do it?

You dont pick nothing , Picking means you date things and by dating things you start to think about it , you start to build flase fears . You ring your husband now and do it now .

Hmm I shall tell you a quick story of a 6 foot 2 , 120 kg man ,that would sit there and freak and start crying just from the sight of his ute. He couldnt move as he was frozen with fear , no logical reason behind this fear but he was just scared so much . Well one day he cracked it and had enough of this s&*^. He got in that ute and drove 30 klms out in the bush , pulled over and sat on the back and said "right it me and you and i have had enough of this s**% and its time for you to leave .

Well how did this man feel , Like crap , crying , shaking , heart racing but you know what he did it and from that day on it started to get better.

So yes stick it to it and go and do it . The only thing stopping you is your fear and that fear is only anxiety tricking you into believing that the symptoms from your stressed body are fear . They are not .

Remember nothing changes without change .
You will recover but it is your chose weather its today or in 20 years , either way yes you will feel a bit uncomfortable for a little while . But life is worth it trust me on that .

cheers kev :)

20-06-10, 00:15
Yes pick a day and do it. Good luck. Baggs.

20-06-10, 00:51
I think we all put things off sometimes because of our anxiety, but Ithink by doingthat we are just making it into a roadblock on our lives, when we're trying to make it smaller really. I did something recently that I felt I couldn't do because of anxiety, and that I felt like waiting until my anxiety had lessened, and I went for it, and the rewards were phenomenal, so I say go for it love :)

20-06-10, 02:52
When you're about to start a race, you feel anxious before you run and the longer you stand waiting for the start, the more anxious you become. Only once you start running do you then focus your attention on reaching the finishing line rather than on your fear so in other words, don't wait or set a date, just get going and start your race or you'll never move.:hugs:

20-06-10, 08:28
Hi Vixxy,

Go now, no plan, no packing, just go - you can sort your clothes and all that later.

Good luck with this, you take care.

20-06-10, 10:05
As some have said, a good way perhaps to do it is rather than planning everything - just a spur of the moment thing. This has helped me. I moved (though the day was planned, as I had to for landlord reasons) which added pressure. However, I left all my belongings apart from essentials and my rabbit, left all the food, etc, and my dad packed that up for me and brought it another time. Perhaps there is something similar you can do?

20-06-10, 10:11
Hi guys. Thanks for all the nice messages. I think I will just wake up and do it this week. Not sure which day, but one of em!
I'll spend the time before it packing all my stuff, so that my family can pick it up and move it for me once Im done.
Maybe next time I post, ill have moved! Feels good to think about that:D

20-06-10, 11:11
I remember when I was first moving out of my parents' home - I was petrified. I couldn't even think about my new flat without feeling sick. I bought the flat and didn't move in for 3 months. Anyway - within a couple of weeks of moving in, my anxiety had completely gone. It was amazing! You may find you feel less anxious once you have made the move.

Good luck this week.


20-06-10, 13:57
yes I think I will be. My dad suffers with depression, so its a pretty negative atmosphere here.

20-06-10, 22:27
Hi Vixxy,

Yep I think you should just pick one day and do it! Like you said its a negative atmosphere at home and thats not going to help your anxiety either so unless you get out of their nothing is going to change. It might be hard and you will be anxious, but Im sure it will be worth it in the end. Just go for it, Im sure that once you have done it you wont regret it. Think about how your new husband will feel also, think how pleased he will be, Im sure he cant wait for you to move in.

Do let us know when your settled into your new house! GOOD LUCK :yesyes:

21-06-10, 12:27
Go for it Hun :) wishing you all the best in your new home XXXXXXX

24-06-10, 11:13
Have you moved yet?

26-06-10, 11:05
Vixxy, did you do it? x

26-06-10, 13:43
No :( My husband actually told me not too! Would have thought he would have been raring to go lol.
He says its better to take it slowly and make sure I can actually visit the house first before I jump in. Its so hard with lots of conflicting opinions deciding which is best.

26-06-10, 14:14
Aww he obviously cares a lot for you.

What would make you happier I guess? You have to think of yourself.