View Full Version : Unexplained Bruising

19-06-10, 22:25
Found this massive bruise about two inches in diameter bright purple red blue etc with sort of track like lines running through it while I was in the bath. :( It doesn't hurt and I don't remember bumping into anything. I have had a few bruises unexplained over the last few months. I do have fibromyalgia but I don't know what's going on in my body. Anyone know about bruising.:weep:

19-06-10, 23:26
I'm just wondering if you are double jointed?


20-06-10, 10:35
I know in the past i have had bruises that i don't remember getting because they can take days to come out and you have forgotten all about the minor knock you had.
If you think you are genuinly coming out in big bruises without any injury then your Dr can do simple blood test to rule out every nasty cause of bruising which I am sure is whats in your mind. a normal full blood count will rule out just about everything nasty that could cause excessive bruising.

20-06-10, 10:49
I have had this many times. I've noticed it gets worse when run down and/or forget to take vitamins.

20-06-10, 11:20

We often bruise our selves and don't know why. The most common cause of easy bruising are meds. Aspirin, and some anti depressant meds can cause us to bruise easily, it is rare to be the first sign of serious illness, liver problems can cause this but again you would most likely have more symptoms.

If they continue mention it to your GP, as mentioned blood tests can rule out anything to worry about. Although a FBC can be helpful as it measures platelets another test should be asked for as it is the only reliable test, a blood clotting time screen test. It can be done at the same time as a FBC a good doctor should do one anyway but it maybe worth asking.


20-06-10, 11:40

I know I am covered in bruises, not show how I got them but there again, I think im a tad clumsey, so that is probably why. If its the odd bruise try not to worry about it, but if it like carries on and things, have a word with your GP.

Sorry not very helpful advice.


20-06-10, 18:31
I am double jointed/hypermobility syndrome with fibromyalgia syndrome/ CFS too bobble? Thanks everyone who replied i took photo of bruise to show doctor. Hugs

20-06-10, 22:10
Easy bruising can be a part of hypermobility syndrome so no need to worry. It's just weak connective tissue that does it. :)