View Full Version : Pulse was 100????? I'm really worried now.

19-06-10, 23:37
Had my bp/pulse taken on weds, and it was 126/74 but my pulse was 100, the nurse asked if i was nervous which i was so she didnt say anything else.
Now its really worrying me i keep trying to take it myself. Help!!!!!!!!

19-06-10, 23:50

Nothing to worry about .

My pulse this morning was 95 and bp was 140/95 . Now Bp needs working on but pluse is within normal range
Heart rate can get as high as 200s and is only a problem with it will not come back down .
To have a pulse of 100 when nervous i would say is pretty good
cheers kev :)

20-06-10, 14:15
Is ok ali I went the docs on Friday and my pulse was 120+! Usually sits around high 80's low 90's when I'm resting so 100 is perfectly acceptable, especially if you were nervous :D Like forwells said is only a problem if it don't come back down so try not to worry too much. xxx

20-06-10, 15:21
Hi Ali

a pulse of 100 is fine, nothing to worry about at all, as everyone else has said. When i first had a problem with anxiety my pulse would go a lot higher than that, and that was all due to anxiety/nerves/adrenalin, ho ever you choose to look at it.
Dont fall in to the trap of continually taking your pulse yourself, as i learned the hard way, i know its tempting, because essentially you are doing it for reassurance, the problem is, it is hardly ever reassuring because what will happen is, in the most part it will continue at the rate or higher, and then you start noticing what feels like missed beats, or speeds up and then slows down, all btw are perfectly normal, and all this does is creates even more anxiety, and it takes over your mind and worry. it really is fine at 100, even 120 is when anxious is ok too, the nurse wasnt concerned, please stop worrying its ok. i have been there, i know its hard to believe that everyone is telling the truth..

Best wishes

P x

20-06-10, 21:15
100 is absolutely nothing to worry about. Anytime I get my pulse checked in the hospital mine is always atleast 110, it's just anxiety. I bet it went right down when you left. Don't worry about it, 100 is nothing. Doing exercise can raise your heart rate up a lot higher than that without any problems atall so don't worry. You're fine! :)

20-06-10, 21:18
60-100 range of pulse is totally normal anyway so no need to worry - the worst thing you can now do is to get obsessed about it as your heart will naturally beat faster when you give it attention!

20-06-10, 21:46
My pulse is always around 90-100, I used to sometimes test it in uni and my BP when we had skills sessions, lol!

Anything over 100 they class as tachycardic but honestly don't worry, that would not be a major cause for concern. My pulse was once 130 when I was in hospital, I was just anxious and they were not overly concerned.

20-06-10, 22:18
I have been in the ER with a pulse of 160 from a panic attack - my EKG was normal, just tachycardia from panic. So, do not worry about 100.