View Full Version : i cant cope anymore,

20-06-10, 05:55
this all started about 2 weeks ago which ive had anx for 15 years ,but could handle it ,these last couple weeks have been baD ,woke up one moring with a pain in my left side everytime i took a breath felt like stabbing pain,so that right there set off my anx bad so this went on for like 2 days i got so sceard i went to the hosptial and there thay said my Qxygen was 100% and chest xray showed a little pnouenia so every sence ive left the hospital ive been soo bad that i cant deal with life my anx....i cant take deep breathes and iam so spacey ,,and dizzy ,,,and it feels like someone is hugging real tight around my chest ,i have a super tight throat ,and super bad presure on my head,,,and this last all day for 2 weeks noww....i need some help please...ive been to doc 3 times in a week cause i cant breathe thay say my lungs sound clear i dont belive them how can they be clear when i can not breathe realy iam in a panic all day long,,,could this be cause bye the pnouemnia ,,thay said i had mild so i guess thay didnt seem like it was bad
...i realy want another chest xray......

20-06-10, 18:36
Awww Jess:hugs: hugs hun. Your anxiety has hit the roof because of the pneumonia I think and I think I would be just like you, but you had your antibiotics, your chests clear, you got a man there beside you who looking out for you try not worry too much babe, I know it's hard but if you keep having problems get in to your doctor tomorrow. I am sure you are hyperventilating cause of anxiety cos of the chat we had yday but you need medical reassurance hunni xxx Love ya

20-06-10, 18:40
Awh, I hope everything gets better for you and you start feeling better soon, I get the same sort of pains but I really doubt they're pneumonia.
It'll all work out good in the end. x

20-06-10, 22:14
I would feel abit anxious if I had pneumonia, no wonder you feel low so don't be so hard on yourself.

If you are worried go and hve a good chat again with your doctor, tell them why you feel the way you do, and ask them questions so you can get reassurance.

I hope you feel better soon x