View Full Version : Urgent - help with citalopram!!!

20-06-10, 09:01
Hello everybody!

I have just moved to London and I am in the process of registering with a doctor but I will not be able to see one for another 4 days.

I have run out of citalopram and I am desperate!!! What can I do? I am so worried I will start to get the 'zaps'? I have also just started a new job and the last thing I need is for this to come up while I am being trained and having to take time off!!!

Can I borrow 4 pills from somebody? Can someone post them to me? Or meet me in London? Or has anyone got any suggestions of what I can do? I would go to the chemist normally and they can give you a couple until teh prescription comes in but as I have just moved, the chemist does not know me.

I am desperate as I have not taken any citalopram for 48 hours now

i hope somebody can help!

Thanks :D

20-06-10, 09:24
Hi Ricard,
The best suggestion I can make is go to the nearest hospital and explain the situation to the doctor there and give them the details of your previous GP, they may be able to sort you out with a prescription until you can register with a local practice.

It's not a good idea to be putting out requests for people to post you pills or meet you to give you them either. Besides it not being wise to use other people's prescriptions, you aren't sure who you're meeting or what you're receiving. While most people here are genuine, you don't know who might read this and respond.

Visit A&E and let them know what's going on and they can probably help you the most. Hope you get things sorted out Ricard.

Better days :)


20-06-10, 09:33
Hello thanks for your suggestion.

I would only take the pills of they were sealed but i understand what you mean.

I called NHS direct and they said that going to A&E would not be appropriate :(

The problem is that I am working four 12 hour shifts in the next four days, if not i guess i could just make an emergency appointment with any GP

Its just all so complicated :(

Not quite sure what to do :(

20-06-10, 09:57
Morning Ricard,
How about going to a Grab-a-doc, there are many of those about especially in London. Whereabouts are you in London? What mg are you on, I'm sure if you went into a chemist and explained your situation they could help you, what did NHS direct suggest?

20-06-10, 10:25
As Jannie said, you should be able to find a drop in clinic or something where they can help you out, and with it being London chances are you'll be able to find one close by.


20-06-10, 10:38

I have registered with this online doctor in London. I have used him in the past and hopefully he should be able to help tomorrow. Its only £35 which given the circumstances, i do not mind paying for.

Fingers crossed!

20-06-10, 19:19
I hsould have a prescription for citalopram tomorrow, finally! i have started to get withdrawal symptoms this afternoon. NOT NICE...

21-06-10, 16:39
Hello everybody

the online doctor has advised me they do not prescribe it anymore so I am so stuck and desperate.

I am working for the next 2 days for 12 hours a day in a new job and I cannot get away, nor do I want them to know i have anxiety related problems.

I am just at a loss on what to do now and I am asking for help from whoever can.

I just need two pill;s to make it until when i CAN SEE A DOCTOR.



21-06-10, 17:41
Have you called the new GP and explained the situation?

I can't see anyone on here giving you their tablets to be honest !

21-06-10, 17:43
Hi Cub

I thought you already lived in London..I was sure you lived here when we spoke in the chat room last year! :unsure:

Anyway, I'm sorry you are in this awkward situation. Would it be possible to contact your old doctor to see if they would contact your new practice and arrange for the prescription to be continued short term until you can see the doc?

The only other thing I can think of is what has already been suggested, to go to a walk-in centre but I know you don't want to do that because of the new job..I think you have to prioritise this though as it may be the only way you can get immediate treatment.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope it works out for you. :)

21-06-10, 19:44
Hi Euro

You could contact your local GP practice & explain what has happened, they will be able to contact your old GP & give you a prescription. Alternatively ring NHS direct or go to a NHS walk in centre.