View Full Version : anxiety and post natal depression, just started prozac

20-06-10, 13:17
hi im new to this site and followed a link through net mums to find it.

i have recently been diagnosed with pnd but have been suffering with anxiety for some time, looking back i think i have had it since my first relationship when i was 16, it was physically abusive and this is when i developed i.b.s and hardly went out for 2 years.

i had a 2nd baby 9 months ago and after a traumatic pregnancy and birth i began having panic attacks, horrible thoughts about my daughter and son and feeling constantly like i wasnt really here. this passed after a few weeks and i started feeling back to normal (if there is such a thing) but around 3 months ago my husband lost his father, he then lost his job and then we moved house all within 7 weeks. i felt like everything was going wrong but needed to hold it together for my husband and kids and have been on a gradual deccline since then.

i hate going out, i would be quite happy to sit in my dressing gown all day and never see anyone or answer the phone, but i know this is not healthy so i force myself to go out and frequently experience mild to strong panic attacks depending if im able to control it or not. i went to the doctors last week as i just felt like i was losing my mind and that i should be locked away. i was given fluoxetine (prozac) and have taken 2 so far. i am also being referred for counselling but have read about c.b.t. and think i would like to try this.

i hate being like this, once i left my ex i was back to me and im outgoing, funny and compassionate. now im paranoid, panicky and completely self absorbed, all i can think about is how i feel and how its taking over my life. i do not care for this feeling at all!

they say it can take the tablets upto 6 weeks to take affect but i actually feel less sad already is this possible? my anxiety has increased though :weep: its this that i struggle to deal with i hate feeling out of control.

i know this is a common side effect but i just wondered when this would subside?

also i tried citalapram which made me so ill after one tablet, i think i had a bad reaction to it as i had full body pins and needles then numbness i was severely grinding my teeth, shaking, faint and dizzy, severe pain in my shoulder and ankles and all my muscles were contracting so much that i was laying in really strange positions, it was so awful, i called the doctor and he said i probably had a panic attack :mad: i know what a panic attack feels like and it doesnt last a full 24 hours but he wouldnt listen and said just not to take any more. it took me a few weeks to get up the courage to go back as i was scared to try any other anti d's but i am 100 times better on these and can cope with these stronger more frequent panic attacks as a side effect so long as they dont go on for weeks and weeks?

any advice or personal experiences welcome :)

20-06-10, 13:19
Hi louise29

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
20-06-10, 19:12
:welcome:to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


20-06-10, 21:54
Hi Louise, I'm sure fluoxetine worked fairly quickly on my mood the first time I took it (when I had PND). It certainly didn't take anything like 6 weeks, although this time was a little different, but so were the circumstances. The anxiety was bad this time and a had a couple of horrible panic attacks, but no, they didn't continue for long, can't remember exactly, but no more than 2-3 weeks. Well done for making yourself go out, I'm sure you will find being active and sociable a lot easier before long. Best wishes x

20-06-10, 23:09
i think drugs affect you differently depending on what is going on in your brain/hormones at the time, i took citalopram years ago and was fine on it, but took it the other week and actually thought i was dying after one tablet!

i went out to a family gathering today and felt some mild anxiety but i managed to over come it and have actually had a reasonable day :D

i dont mind if its the anti d's or if its just in my head im just pleased i managed to go out without having a major panic episode :D

22-06-10, 22:36
Hi Louise29,
I read your story and I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind me asking how you managed through your pregnancy? Did you have panic attacks while you where pregnant? The reason I am wondering is because I want to get pregnant but I am so afraid I'd hurt myself and the baby while having a panic attack. I had to have an abortion because of that fear :(

23-06-10, 11:06
:hugs: im sorry you went through that hun.

i didnt realise it at the time but yes i did have panic attacks through my pregnancy, i thought i was just ill because i frequently couldnt breathe, felt dizzy etc, especially when i was around lots of people, i used to mention this to my midwife quite frequently and they tested my iron and blood pressure alot, my blood pressure was high alot but i think thats because i was in a state of panic through sitting in doctors office.

do you have depression aswell? i would recommend finding a way to deal with your anxiety and depression( if you have it) before you become pregnant as there is a chance with all the hormones bouncing about that you could feel worse, or if you do become pregnant ask to be referred for cognitive behavioural therapy ive heard this is extremely effective in helping and combatting anxiety and maybe see a counsellor if you are depressed.

im not sure about what meds you can take whilst pregnant you woud need to talk to a good understanding doctor about this.

also a panic attack, no matter how awful it may feel at the time, wont hurt you or your baby its just incredibly uncomfortable and frightening but apparently its just like having a mini workout. i wouldnt recommend anyone getting pregnant on purpose if they are suffering with depression as this can turn into post natal depression and believe me thats a place you dont want to go. :weep:

good luck hun, i hope you get sorted, let me know how you get on

lou x