View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Nodes

20-06-10, 17:50
Hi everyone,

I went to the dentist the other day for a check up and she noticed I had swollen lymph nodes under my chin. Of course suffering from Health Anxiety I completely freaked out. She said that it could be from hay fever which I suffer from, although I have never heard that before.

I went to see my doctor on Friday and she said it could be from a really nasty cold I had 2-3 weeks ago, which turned into sinusitis too. I am feeling really anxious and worried about it and I am convinced I have cancer which is my main worry. I do have a blocked nose and scratchy throat probably due to hay fever, or perhaps another cold coming, so could this be the reason for the swollen glands?

I do feel tired but have no other symptoms like weight loss or anything like that.

Sorry to harp on, I am just so worried.

Thank you for reading.

20-06-10, 22:08
Getting paranoid now that everyone thinks I am seriously ill. :weep:

21-06-10, 00:20
Hello SH2727

I don't know much about swollen lymph nodes but I would say, if your dentist and GP have said it's nothing to worry about, you should be fine. I've heard of so many people just recently suffering all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms mainly due to hayfever/bugs - and a lot of people who have never had hayfever are starting with it!

I hope you get some meaningful replies soon - I expect everyone has been out enjoying the sunshine (and probably sneezing too!!).

Stay positive:hugs:

Wendy :-)

21-06-10, 04:44
Lymph nodes under the chin are often enlarged - they're the ones that most frequently and easily swell. They are no cause for concern, and are to be expected in someone who has suffered any type of cold or upper respiratory infection, in fact, that's why it's the first thing a doctor will check when you have symptoms of a cold - it's affirming.

Things that can cause swollen lymph nodes under the chin:

* cold
* allergies
* tooth infection
* swollen or inflamed gums
* coldsore
* cut in mouth
* cut on tongue
* mouth ulcer
* sinus infection
* throat infection / pharyngitis / laryngitis

21-06-10, 22:00
Doodah and Marley thank you for your replies.

Marley thank you for the list of causes for lymph nodes to swell. I have allergies, a cold, sinus problems, sore tongue and a mouth ulcer, so I guess it isn't surprising that my lymph nodes are up!!

Take care x

21-06-10, 22:53
Aww I'm glad our replies helped to put you at ease a little.

Keep smiling!:yesyes: