View Full Version : What's causing this? Various symptoms

20-06-10, 18:07
For the last 14 months I've had problems with weakness in my arms and hands-suddenly losing grip and dropping pots and pans and small items. I also at the same time suffered pins and needles down my arm from elbow to finger tips with shakes. I'd also get circulation probs. With 2 fingers being ice ice cold and the others boiling hot with random cold patches on palms.

This often coincided within one another or could get just 1 symptom and no others. It's gone on for 14 months on and off with about a month max between "attacks"

in march this year I had a real bad attack this time with sickness and dizzyness with unquenchable thirst and was actually at a clients house who has ms and he was so worried he called my dr for me and I went up to see her. She diagnosed labrythitis (ear infection) which explained several symptoms and to go away and get better then we'll look at pains and twitching in arms.

I've yet to go back as I'm terrified what she may tell me but my client keeps telling me it's ms symptoms. I can't bring myself to google them so if anyone knows please tell me.

A friend has suggested fibryo?? Again no idea as don't want to diagnose myself over google!!

My others symptoms are-chronic back ache, floaters in vision getting worse-gp sent me for a emerg optitions appoinment when I had ear inf as I couldn't focus but optition said vision is perfect!!!! I know it's not as I squint????
Weakness in arms, feel like I'm bruised often but not, joints really ache and click. Knee's actually lock but that's another med prob! Jaw locks constantly and Is painful and loud. Dentist wants my wisdom teeth out to try sort this out! I'm always tired, little appertite, ibs sypmtoms,Restless legs which wake me and hubby everynight.

Thanks for listening. It feels so good to share all that :D

20-06-10, 18:09
Just to add my anxiety attacks don't seem to play a part-I can have a panic attack and get none of the above or I can get it with 2 etc xx no real pattern I can see

21-06-10, 00:16
I wonder if you have a trapped nerve that's causing the numbness? I had similar problems years ago and had tests for it - they said I had a trapped nerve but that I didn't need to do anything about it. I still get numbness and weakness in the one arm. I do know though that spending too long on a computer keyboard can trigger it off. It may be worth you seeing your doctor just to put your mind at ease, although I know how scarey it can be to go along and see your GP when you're thinking you have something awful!

I hope things settle down for you soon.

Wendy :-)

25-06-10, 22:21
I have the same prob with the tingling and numbness but i only get it in my right hand, sometimes it will be for days at a time and sometimes i dont get it for weeks, weird really.

25-06-10, 22:37
i get alot of your symptoms x

sarah x

25-06-10, 23:33
wow when u say bruised pains and there is nothing there thats me too and i do have fibro as well as some of your symptoms and other symptoms too read my post and replies on fibromyalgia...if you realy think you have it talk to your doctor about referral to rheumatology