View Full Version : weight loss !!!!! terrified

gina p
20-06-10, 19:29
In the last three weeks I have found that all my clothes are really loose on me . I've also had some really loose and strange bowel movements ( could be ibs ??) . I have had health anxiety for a long time but since jan it has hit me hard and that last few weeks have been the worst . I think I had a few days where I hardly ate but I've done this before and not lost weight like this !! I'm convinced I have cancer now (one of my biggest fears) - got docs again tomorrow - I'm there almost weekly now and I'm sure the roll their eyes when they see me . I'm not on any medication for my anxiety but I think I need to change that . I have been drinking alot of water over the last few weeks to try and help with my post nasal drip - wondered if anyone knew if that could have caused the weight loss ? I am now weighing myself over 30 times a day !!!!!! , trying on clothes that I know are loose to see if they fit me yet - its horrible. I just want to escape this and be normal . What if it is something horrible that is wrong this time . Has anyone had experience of weight loss like this ?

20-06-10, 19:52
Youre probably burning a lot of calories with your anxiety.
If I were you I would write down everything youre eating for a few days to see if youre actually eating less than you think you are.
Drinking a lot of water will make you feel fuller than you should be. So it might be stopping you from eating as you have no hunger.
Ive lost a lot of weight with my anxiety problems since xmas and Im now under 7 stone.

20-06-10, 20:48
Hi Gina, its really common to lose weight with anxiety. I never realised that until few months ago. I was so upset with HA and could barely manage 950 calories a day, and some of that was drinks .. Ive lost 17lb .. If youre not taking in healthy amount of calories then the weight will fall off. Im just about coping with 1100 cals now.I was , and still am to some extent, associating food with anxiety.

20-06-10, 22:14
I have a panic disorder and I lost 20 pounds with it. I had no appetite for awhile and felt gaggy alot. Also, part of my panic attacks included rapid pulse, and everytime I eat something, my pulse goes up so I had a hard time with that. I did keep track for awhile how much I was eating and it ranged from around 900 - 1100 calories a day. I think I may be doing a little better now with it. I can't eat much in the morning, but can start eating a little in the afternoon and then eat better in the evening.
So, I would bet your anxiety has a lot to do with this. Stop weighing yourself (I know that is hard to do, but my doctor told me to stop). Just try to eat small amounts throughout the day. Maybe some protein drinks (though I couldn't find any that I liked).
How much is 17 stone?

20-06-10, 22:39
Hello Gina - I'm in a similar situation to you but I am eating pretty normally. I have agoraphobia and health anxiety - I think I'm suffering from post nasal drip and I think it is that which is causing me to have loose motions, which in turn is making me lose weight :( I lost half a stone a few weeks ago due to catching a stomach bug but just can't put the weight back on!! I do know that my anxiety makes me burn off the weight too - grrr! I'm avoiding the scales cos I know I'll worry when I see I haven't put any weight on and then get in a viscious circle!

Hope you get on well at your doctors.

gina p
21-06-10, 17:43
been to docs . Feel good in some ways but still worried in others ! For the first time I have been totally open with the doc and it feels good . He weighed me and said that I have only lost 2lb since I was last weighed in march ( had a baby 9 months ago) so he thinks my weight is just stabilising but I have lost so much around my waist and thighs - its seems so much more . I've been put on fluoxetine ( a bit scared to take it ) but I really have to . He said that my bloods taken back in may did not show anything apart form borderline anemia and that this is usually diet or periods . He is seeing me again in 3 weeks and we will see how I feel . He will be taking my thyroid blood test then as he thinks I may be a bit over (hence weight loss) so he has also taken me off my thyroxine - yet another doc put me back on it last week as I felt so tired :frown: . The doc said that depending on how I feel when I go back will determine if he wants to do further tests - that's the bit that scared me !!! I asked why but he just said that although it certainly appears nothing is wrong - he would rather make sure if I still feel a bit funny . hhhmmm why do we always freak out at the little things eh?