View Full Version : freeking people out

20-06-10, 22:24
i dont no whats going on but i htink im freeking people out with my vocies and behviour dont mean to im just so lost and alone in this no one seems to understnad am i on my own withh this

i really just want it all to stop now the illness the vocies god the vocies they never shut up its like constalty here the worse aboutyr self an dknwing that if youdont do whta they say its going to end badly maybe i shouldnt talk any more just put it in a box in my head like i used to and lock it away then i cnt hurt or bother any one

i think ill stay out of cht from nowon i jsut seem to be a problem more thna a help

sorry if i was to much for any one i never ment to upset ay one im really sorry

20-06-10, 22:45
Hi Georga,

Sounds like your having a difficult time of it and I wanted to wish you some support.

Im guessing something happened in chat. You know sometimes what we dont really understand scares us. It doesnt mean that people dont care about you and your not on your own. I dont know how to advise you about how to get rid of those voices but it doesnt have to all end badly.

You take care

20-06-10, 22:54
Hi Hopers,

Aw, don't be so hard on yourself!! It must be awful and so frightening for you when these voices happen. What's your doctor doing to help you with this? You sound as though you are really struggling at the moment. Get all the help you need from your doctor and look after yourself. Try to stop worrying about what other people think - it's you who matters in all of this. You are the one with the horrible symptoms and getting help with this is the important thing, not what others think of you. I'm pretty sure that most people will feel for you.

Myra x

20-06-10, 22:58
Dear Hopers, please do not stay out of chat. You may not realise this but you are well liked. Baggs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx