View Full Version : Left arm pain when upset... :( Really worried.

20-06-10, 23:02
Hi guys,

I've noticed a very worrying symptom lately. I've been arguing with my family alot & during & after the argument I've been getting bad left arm pain :(
I did the bad thing & googled it & all signs are pointing to me having a heart attack any day now. :'(
I've been under alot of stress lately & it wouldn't surprise me if I was.

I'm just really worried now cos pain during emotional upset is a sign of heart problems. I'm getting the results from my heart tests [an echo & a 24 hour tape] this wednesday & I'm really worried what they're gonna show up...OR even worse, if it'll be too late by then... :(

Any advice? x

20-06-10, 23:19
do you suffer from panic attacks?

many people have gone to a and e thinking theyre having a heart attack or stroke when theyre in fact having an anxiety or panic attack, the mind is a powerful thing and when your having a panic attack all rational thought goes out of the window and everyone i know who has had a panic attack has thought they were having a heart attack/stroke/or got a serious illness, unfortunately its part and parcel of it but the good news is its not life threatening.

i obviously cant say either way what it is as im not a doctor but youve done the right thing in being tested and at least youll know for sure, also i would think that if they thought it was an imminent heart attack they wouldnt have sent you home?

do these pains only happen when your really stressed?

lou x