View Full Version : I hope this is ok to put this here

20-06-10, 23:49
I've just read alot of posts from many of you with heartbreaking stories of symptoms and my heart goes out to all of you:hugs:And i wanted to come here to post my experience with these symptoms. I'm not totally "cured" but i have gotten better but before getting better i've had probably 95% of the symptoms mentioned here,,,there was new symptoms every day,,,,,i diagnosed myself with different illnesses/diseases on a daily or weekly basis,,, the drs were tired of seeing me:weep: my husband finally got tired of it too and kicked me out about a yr ago and we are in the process of a divorce right now but the good news is when he kicked me out i moved back to my home town with my family and my dad helped me get better,,,he got me the help i needed,,,i ended up being admitted into a psyciatric hospital which was part of the process to getting better :D While i was in the hospital i learned that the symptoms we have are REAL, which is hard for some to understand, everyone used to tell me it was all in my head and not real but i knew better. Even though we do experience these symptoms they are harmless BUT we don't want to always ignore the symptoms since they do mimic serious symptoms but just keep track of them and see how they act. Always get to a dr if the symptoms intensify! But no matter what keep a journal of the symptoms,,,be specific when you write your symtoms down cuz you will be re-reading them over and over again to see if you've had that symptom before. Investing in a treadmil helped me some,,,excercise helps, not a cure but it helps,,,weirdly enough something else i learned is coloring helps too,,,it really does at least it did for me,,,i guess if you can get your mind off the present stuff thats going on and focus on something else,,,it'll help. These are just a few things i've learned and hopefully they help someone else too. Take Care and may every day be alittle bit better then the last :flowers:

Veronica H
21-06-10, 07:41
:bighug1::yesyes:Thanks for sharing your success with us and for your excellent tips.
